Finland Refugees



Syrians, coming to a place near you.

Never mind that fact that they would be better off in areas near home, not in far away Finland. She also seems intent to ‘spreading her good will’ around the country, with Syrians being given permanent residency and housing outside of traditional refugee housing facilities. The lunacy of it all.

NOTE: How many refugees from Syria has Japan taken in?

Interior Minister: Finland could take in 500 Syrian refugees

Päivi Räsänen says that the operation would cost less if refugees were to be directly placed in municipalities around the country rather than in reception centres. This would also be better for the newcomers themselves, she points out.

Päivi Räsänen
Päivi Räsänen Image: Yle

Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen proposes that Finland could accept 500 refugees from Syria next year. The United Nations refugee agency UNHCR has asked all member states to take in Syrian refugees beyond their normal quotas.

Räsänen tells Yle that under her plan, 200 refugees would be counted as part of Finland’s standard annual quota of 750 refugees, with the other 300 included in a separate supplementary quota. She says that the arrivals would be given permanent residence permits.

The Christian Democrats chair stressed that although Finland faces its own economic difficulties, it must take extra strides to help those in distress because of the civil war in Syria. She notes that the proposal must still be considered by the cabinet and by the other ministries involved. These include the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, which is responsible for integration of refugees into Finnish municipalities.

Räsänen says that the operation would cost less if refugees were to be directly placed in municipalities around the country rather than in reception centres. This would also be better for the newcomers themselves.

More here.

2 Responses

  1. Very surprising that Rasanen would take this stance. Doesn’t matter whether the’re Sunni or Shia . . sooner or later they’ll start up their destructive ways and Finland will be all the worse off for this decsion.

    Why not take in an equivalent number of Coptic Christians?

    Some one needs to put the question directly to Rasanen and see how she handles it.

    Very disappointing – I thought she had more sense.

  2. And by Syrian refugees she means “No Christian Syrians allowed!” They get to stay and die at the hands of the islamofascist Syrians.

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