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UNESCO Once Again Makes a Mockery of its Own Ideals by Glorifying Mass Murderer Che Guevara, Says Ros-Lehtinen

Jul 22, 2013

UNESCO Once Again Makes a Mockery of its Own Ideals by Glorifying Mass Murderer Che Guevara, Says Ros-Lehtinen

“This latest reprehensible action is a microcosm of the existing problems within UNESCO today. There isn’t any semblance of common sense left in that body”

(WASHINGTON) – Today U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairman of the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee, commented on the decision by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to include “The Life and Works of Ernesto Che Guevara” in this year’s additions to the Memory of the World Register. Statement by Ros-Lehtinen:

“UNESCO continued its longstanding tradition of making a mockery of its own institution when it opted to venerate and memorialize the life of a blood thirsty, murderous sadist, Che Guevara, by including his works as an entry in its ‘Memory of the World Register.’ This decision is more than an insult to the families of those Cubans who were lined up and summarily executed by Che and his merciless cronies but it also serves as a direct contradiction to the UNESCO ideals of encouraging peace and universal respect for human rights.

“This latest reprehensible action is a microcosm of the existing problems within UNESCO today. There isn’t any semblance of common sense left in that body. From its decision to accept a non-existent state of Palestine into its membership, to glorifying Che’s ruthless crimes against humanity, UNESCO deserves no funding from US taxpayers. The Obama Administration is wrong to continue to seek to restore funding to UNESCO. The Administration must immediately end its push to send $225 million in American taxpayer money to UNESCO that would enable that organization to keep undermining our friend and ally, the democratic Jewish State of Israel, and would insult the memories of those who suffered under Che and continue to suffer under the Castro brothers.”

Via Weasel Zippers

3 Responses

  1. UNESCO – made by Communists FOR Communists (the UN in general at the very least).
    It is truly any surprise that a psychopathic murderer would receive glorification in this way? It is typical leftist Bravo Sierra for them do use this as a model. To glorify a villain is to crucify saints. It is shock value to condition the world to accept yet another Big Lie courtesy of Uncle Joe Stalin (you do know kindly old Joe, don’t you?). The world continues to grovel at the psychological feet of those doing everything in their power to destroy the West through marketing plans just such as this. Sadly, much of our US society is too dim witted to understand how they are being manipulated – what about YOUR country?

  2. Who next will UNESCO honor, Pol Pot, Baria, Stalin, Hitler, or Arafart?

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