


Or as I will take to calling it: ”When Allah came to London.”

We are going to see much more similar attacks, as Stephen Coughlin points out in an interview with VladAgain, al-Qaida has shifted its strategy to these kinds of attacks, it’s going to be that much more difficult to infiltrate and disrupt their plans since they’ve taken to a more fragmented (read= not interconnected/related) approach to their terrorism.

afghanistan comes to london 23.5.2013

Five years ago, the sight of Muslim terrorists beheading British soldiers was a horror that could happen in Afghanistan or Iraq. Now it has happened in broad daylight in the capital of the United Kingdom.

In a decade, 600,000 white Londoners have fled the city. Those are the sorts of numbers you would expect from the Syrian civil war. Their place has been taken by the million Muslims occupying the city.

Woolwich Common, adjacent to the area where the attack took place, is described as an “inner-city multicultural neighborhood” which is to say that it is more ethnically diverse than the London average; it has more violent crimes than average and is among the 5% of poorest neighborhoods. Only 58% of its population was born in England and a quarter of its residents immigrated in that same dreadful decade.

More here.

One Response

  1. Glance at the photo at the top of this thread and then contrast to the posture and statement by Cameron this morning.

    The savage faces the camera to present his case (this is shariah and it is here to stay) and then calmly returns to the scene of the crime.

    This behavior mirrors the reaction of Cameron who states his case (via twitter/as follows below)
    and essentially agrees with this savage . . .

    David Cameron says attack in Woolwich has ‘sickened us all’ and that ‘the people who did this are trying to divide us’ – live video

    David Cameron: ‘One of the best ways of defeating terrorism is to go about our normal lives’ – live video

    So there you have it. According to Cameron, welcome to the new normal.

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