Fascism Marxism Socialism



Read also George Watson’s piece: Hitler and the socialist dream.



The Socialist origins of Fascism and Nazism


One of the greatest political myths that arose in latter half of the 20th century and persists into the 21st is the myth that fascism is a doctrine of the political right and that Conservatives are really just proto-fascists who might, at the slightest provocation, slip on the brown shirts and jack boots and start rounding people up. The political left use this great myth as a blunt instrument to bludgeon into silence those who take a stand against: immigration, the preservation of culture, identity and heritage in the West by accusing them of being racist, fascist and/or Nazis.

This brief article will put forward evidence that will prove beyond reasonable doubt that fascism is in fact a product of socialism, specifically the socialist-right and has nothing to do with the political right or ‘right-wing’ at all. I have provided references and recommended further reading on this subject for those who want to learn more.

A brief background of the political ‘left’ and ‘right’

The terms ‘the left’ and ‘the right’ in the political sense arose out of the fairly arbitrary arrangement of sitting members in the parliament of France during the period of the French revolution (1789-1799) [1]. Those who held power and therefore the status quo sat on the right side of the chamber, and those sitting on the left, the ‘progressives’, wanted change. They opposed the status quo and advocated ideals such as the ‘universal rights of man’.

Since that time those arbitrary positions have hardened into formal political ‘wings’, so in Australia, for example, the Labor party represents the ‘left wing’ (socialist) and the Liberal party (conservative) represents the ‘right wing’ of mainstream politics.

So what is fascism?

Briefly, fascism [2] is generally a totalitarian one-party state that incorporates socialist ideals, allows, to varying degrees, private property and private enterprise in a state-directed economy and promotes nationalism as a binding force for the community. One of the most widely known derivatives of fascism is National Socialism, as practised by the National Socialist (Nazi) regime in Germany just prior to and during World War Two.

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Website: Party For Freedom

2 Responses

  1. With regards to the life of Mussolini, here’s a quick roundup of his socialist credentials taken from Wikipedia:

    His father Alessandro Mussolini was a blacksmith and a socialist. Owing to his father’s political leanings, Mussolini was named Benito after Mexican reformist President Benito Juárez, while his middle names Andrea and Amilcare were from Italian socialists Andrea Costa and Amilcare Cipriani. His father’s political outlook combined views of anarchist figures like Carlo Cafiero and Mikhail Bakunin, the military authoritarianism of Garibaldi, and the nationalism of Mazzini. In 1902, Mussolini emigrated to Switzerland. During this time he studied the ideas of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, the sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, and the syndicalist Georges Sorel. Mussolini also later credited the Marxist Charles Péguy and the syndicalist Hubert Lagardelle as some of his influences. Sorel’s emphasis on the need for overthrowing decadent liberal democracy and capitalism by the use of violence, direct action, the general strike, and the use of neo-Machiavellian appeals to emotion, impressed Mussolini deeply. Mussolini became active in the Italian socialist movement in Switzerland, working for the paper L’Avvenire del Lavoratore, (The Worker’s Future) organizing meetings, giving speeches to workers and serving as secretary of the Italian workers’ union in Lausanne.

    In February 1909, Mussolini once again left Italy, this time to take the job as the secretary of the labor party in the Italian-speaking city of Trento, which at the time was part of Austria-Hungary. He also did office work for the local Socialist Party, and edited its newspaper L’Avvenire del Lavoratore. Returning to Italy, he spent a brief time in Milan, and then in 1910 he returned to his hometown of Forli, where he edited the weekly Lotta di classe (The Class Struggle). During this time, he published Il Trentino veduto da un Socialista (Trentino as seen by a Socialist) in the radical periodical La Voce. (The Voice)

    By now, he was considered to be one of Italy’s most prominent Socialists. In September 1911, Mussolini participated in a riot, led by Socialists, against the Italian war in Libya. He bitterly denounced Italy’s “imperialist war” to capture the Libyan capital city of Tripoli, an action that earned him a five-month jail term. After his release he helped expel from the ranks of the Socialist party two “revisionists” who had supported the war, Ivanoe Bonomi, and Leonida Bissolati. As a result, he was rewarded the editorship of the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti! (Forward!) Under his leadership, its circulation soon rose from 20,000 to 100,000. While associated with socialism, Mussolini’s writings eventually indicated that he had abandoned Marxism and egalitarianism in favour of Nietzsche’s übermensch concept and anti-egalitarianism.

  2. That’s a clear explanation as to why idiot antisemitic leftists are no different from crackpot fascists whom they hate (plus ca change etc.)
    Like Islam it’s dogma trumping common sense!

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