Egypt Islamic terrorism Israel



The new ‘democratic’ Egypt.

This is a scripted move and will become a regular feature in Egyptian-Israeli relations in a post-Mubarak Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood will feign ignorance and deny culpability for these acts of terror, just has the P.A. and even Hamas has, as they turn a blind eye to the various groups’ terror activities.

UPDATE: Sources say that multiple terror cells infiltrated at the time of the initial attack, the cell that shot provided cover for second, larger terror cell to enter.

IDF, terrorists clash along Egypt border; 1 citizen killed


Explosive device detonated where workers were building a border fence, killing one workman; at least one terrorist killed in attack; IDF orders residents in area to remain in homes, schools closed.

An Israeli citizen and at least one terrorist were killed in an attack on the Egyptian border on Monday.

An explosive device was detonated where workers were building a border fence, killing one workman. IDF soldiers shot and killed at least one of the terrorists who infiltrated the border.

t was not immediately clear if the gunmen crossed through from Egypt or from the southern Gaza Strip.

The IDF is currently searching for additional terrorists that are suspected of infiltrating into Israel. One officer said the cell likely consisted of four terrorists. The IDF has ordered all residents in the area to remain inside their homes and schools were closed for the time being.

This appeared to be most sophisticated attack since the attack last August along the border which killed eight Israelis. The IDF is working to rule out the possibility that the terrorists entered Israel in an attempt to kidnap an Israeli civilian or soldier.

More here.

One Response

  1. Just came across this today, shows nothing has changed in the lies the Arabs tell themselves, from 1948, starting with Lie number 1:
    1. Palestine was part of the former Ottoman Empire subject to its law and represented in its parliament. The overwhelming majority of the population of Palestine were Arabs. There was in it a small minority of Jews that enjoyed the same rights and bore the same responsibilities as the [other] inhabitants, and did not suffer any ill-treatment on account of its religious beliefs. The holy places were inviolable and the freedom of access to them was guaranteed.

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