Islam and the Nazis Islamic anti-Semitism


Vlad sent this to the TT via Blazing Cat Fur, who also files a video which can be viewed below. Oh and remember, the OIC, Organization of the Islamic Cooperation Wouldn’t consider the Muslim who did this as being anti-Semitic.

Blazing Cat Fur: 5%: Let’s see, the TDSB Islam 1st policy, Hate Spewing Imams, David Menzies assaulted by aMuslim mob, with no charges laid, Death Threats against the IFPS, 1 definite and a 2nd possible honour killing, justification for the killing of Gays, Khaled Mouammar & Zafar Bangash linking “Zionists” to Norway, a sheep slaughtered in a public park with no charges of animal cruelty yet laid and now this…quite a month in old TO.

Check out the line the reporter at the scene gives at the very beginning of the video, “This seemingly mixed message”. Only an ignoramus could dare mention such a statement, Islam is a totalitarian ideology that found a kindred spirit with National Socialism during the 30’s and 40’s and continued their policies of Jew hatred (which is represented throughout their Islamic texts) up until the present day. KGS

NOTE: Scott Lightfoot should be called Scott Lightweight:

“This seemingly mixed message.”

Look here Lightweight:

One Response

  1. What a shame. Is Toronto turning into a second Paris or London?

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