Islam in Sweden Sweden


Meeting place to subvert and convert the populace to Islam.

Another barracks for the jihad against the West, with moronic dhimmified Christian bishops pumping their chests with visions and platitudes of co-existence and tolerance to an ideology that supremacist and imperialist that will eventually subvert that society. KGS

H/T: Fjordman

Gothenburg Mosque opened on Thursday

Linda Genborg 2011-06-17

Gothenburg’s new Mosque opened on Thursday. 200 specially invited guests attended the opening ceremony on Hisingen.

Kalsoom Kaleem sits in the board of Sweden’s Muslim Foundation. She was happy and moved to tears.

– I am glad to share my emotions and my happiness with all the people in society and with my brothers and sisters in Gothenburg, she told Sveriges Radio.

– I have had many doubts but I didn’t have any choice but to keep trying and trying. So this feels very good, said Bacham Ghanoum, vice chairman of the Sweden’s Muslim Foundation, to GP.

14 speakers talked during the ceremony and the message was clear: the mosque should be a meeting place.

– The Muslims have achieved what they wanted, but it is also a start for the society. Gothenburg has received a house, a platform, where people can meet. Together we can develop our democracy by understanding each other. I really hope the people of Gothenburg will visit, said Member of Parliament, Cecilia Magnusson (Moderats). (cited in GP)

– It is important to address diversity in a way that makes it to riches, and the mosque contribute to this on many levels, said bishop Carl Axel Aurelius.

– The goal was a building that is inviting to the rest of the world, transparent with lots of glass. And a minaret that reminds of a Bohuslän lighthouse, said the architect Björn Sahlqvist when he talked about the design of the mosque.

More here.

6 Responses

  1. The Swedish flag is not compatible to Islam and Sharia.

    The cross means Christianity. Blue and golden are also colours of Israel.

    The colours on the Swedish flag mean:
    Yellow – Generosity
    Blue – Vigilance, Truth, Loyalty, Perseverance and Justice

  2. This mosque looks like a fine place to train a ‘fifth column’ under the guise of ‘religious freedom’, ‘brotherhood’, and ‘understanding’. Fools who buy into this crap are participating in national suicide. If these liberal dupes can’t see through the growing Islamization of Europe, I have little hope for the future. Liberalism is truly a severe mental disorder, which in some countries has reached pandemic status.

    1. Go and read about crusade and you’ll find the what are you going to face in near future and dont gave any bullshit abnormally or Ready for the result

  3. Cannot see one window!! Looks like a traditional mozlem barracks. The dumb-f#ck architect has too lie as well as taking jihadi money!!

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