Dearborn Four Dearborn Michigan Dhimmitude



The Tundra Tabloids reported on the incident in which a couple of evangelists were harassed by the Dearborn police for handing out religious tracts to Arabs after they were told what the tracts contained. The police detained the men as well as confiscating their video equipment and materials. The Dearborn police have been held under the grip of sharia supporting fundamustards and that’s the reason for the special attention of the police. KGS



Court: Detroit suburb violated evangelist’s rights

DETROIT — A Detroit suburb violated the free-speech rights of a Christian evangelist by barring him from handing out leaflets at an Arab-American street festival last year, a federal appeals court said Thursday.

The 2-1 decision comes less than a month before the next festival in Dearborn, which draws thousands of people to Warren Avenue in the heavily Arab community.

The festival had offered George Saieg of Anaheim, Calif., a free booth in 2010, but said he and his followers could not freely walk sidewalks with literature about converting Muslims to Christianity.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the restriction was unreasonable, especially when vendors and pedestrians were allowed on sidewalks during the festival.

Dearborn and its police department “violated Saieg’s First Amendment right to freedom of speech,” judges Karen Nelson Moore and Eric Clay said. “Absent an injunction, Saieg will continue to suffer irreparable injury for which there is no adequate remedy at law.”

Saieg had no problems for years at the Arab festival until 2009 when Ron Haddad became Dearborn police chief. Haddad has defended the policy as a way to control foot traffic.


3 Responses

  1. This is a small victory for free speech there will no doubt be many more battles to protect our personal freedoms and liberty. I hope they take the municipality to the cleaners, a hefty fine is the only remedy to combat divisive governments from denying personal freedoms. Mr. Haddad’s popularity will wane when the taxpayers have to pay for damages in civil court. The law must be applied equally for everyone’s benefit. BTW any time I am approached by a person with a pamphlet or literature, a polite “no thank you” is all that is required. Involvement of the police should not even be an issue, unless there are groups manipulating events behind the scenes.

  2. The 2-1 decision??

    One judge in the USA is against the First amendment?

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