

Norwegian, Hans Rustad, gives an account of a special showing of a documentary film by Walid al-Kubaisis, concerning the Muslim Brotherhood apparatus here in Europe. The film gives a rather stark picture of a Europe at sleep, its own democracy and liberal principles being used to subvert it in order to serve the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal of Islamizing the continent. The Tundra Tabloids can only wish for it to be shown here. KGS

H/T: Fjordman

NOTE: This a Google translation with minor corrections where possible, so please be patient with the wording.

Related: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Conquest of Europe

[Thanks to generous foreign funding, meticulous organization, and the naïveté of European elites, Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations have gained prominent positions throughout Europe. […] In parallel to European Union integration efforts, the Muslim Brotherhood is also seeking to integrate its various European proxies. Over the past fifteen years, the Muslim Brotherhood has created a series of pan-European organizations such as the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe, in which representatives from national organizations can meet and plan initiatives.

Document.no: Walid al-Kubaisis’ film about the Muslim Brotherhood “Freedom, equality and the Muslim Brotherhood” will be noticed. Of friends and enemies. It will probably not change the climate of debate, as some claimed, for already at the meeting were the usual accusations of Islamophobia. But it makes it harder to deny that we face threats that we have not seen since Nazism.

There is also a parallel in the film as more draws.

And it’s not western projections that say this, it’s slightly older, some older men with Muslim backgrounds. Some are interviewed in Egypt and some in Paris, some in Oslo. What they say can make the hairs stand up on the head of a Norwegian: The Muslim Brotherhood pursues a strategy not only to influence but to take power in Europe. You want to transform the European community to be Islamized. This is something we anticipate will happen because Muslim women have many children, than Europeans have.

In addition to these warnings, the film crew was allowed inside at one of the top leaders of the Egyptian Brotherhood, Akif, and he says another word about the same as the sharpest critics. He confirmed that the goal is to take over in Europe. If that is the whole power is uninteresting, the main thing is that he confirms that they think the number of births, the numerical strength and political power. And it has the intention to use, not just to build mosques and a large congregation, but to transform society according to Sharia. Ie. the other room will be severely limited.


A further dimension was added when the imams were quoted in sermons where they said that Muslims should take advantage of free speech and religious freedom to undermine democracy from within. Democracy is the devil’s work and we will turn it into a weapon against them, it was a sheik in Amsterdam who said this.

This is said in Arabic or other languages in the mosques, and Europeans can therefore continue to pretend nothing. Walid al-Kubaisis film makes it a little harder to keep as a Sleeping Beauty, or to postpone the unpleasant.

It will not disappear, it will only get worse.

I noticed that the movie made an impression on the audience. The largest hall at bay cinema was packed. But it is as if people have problems articulating their thoughts in the face of something so large, threatening and unknown. The debate after the film was rather tame, except for some rabid outbursts by Mohammed Usman Rana, who called the film a worm works, Basim Ghozlan and a few more.

The most important contribution came from one of the participants in the film: Egyptian Tarek Heggy. He is a successful businessman with culture. It is rare to meet a business man with intellectual capabilities. Heggy had thought things through.

He knew the Europeans’ vankelmodighet, their care for the weak. In France there is now a proposal to deny citizenship to people, that make the difference on people. There is an outcry, but is it really so bad when you consider the threat we face?

If circumstances change, then policy must also change. That’s what’s so hard to get the Europeans to understand, Heggy said. He is from the Islamism-threatened Egypt and understands better what threatens Europe than the Europeans themselves, despite their knowledge and the media.

Where this reluctance comes from is a study in itself. The debate after the film should be about: what do we do when freedom is utilized to destroy freedom? […] instead of is it not a violation of freedom to ban certain clothing?

Then you pretend that you have infinite amounts of time at your disposal. But the Europeans’ time is running out, warned Heggy.

Film shown on TV2 Monday kl.22: 40

4 Responses

  1. I suppose the movie will be in Norwegian. Is this movie going to be subtitled in e.g. English?

  2. “In France there is now a proposal to deny citizenship to people, that make the difference on people.”

    Actually, this law states that if an immigrant who has recently acquired french citizenship attacks and – kills – french cops then he might lose his french citizenship. That’s fairly sensible to me.

  3. This film is now available on youtube with english subtitles

    1. Thanks David, I’ll do a look see, if you happen to find it before I do, let me know.

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