Anti-Islamization Gates of Vienna Netherlands Wilders

Geert Wilders’ Speech to the Madame Chairman of the Dutch Parliament…….

A Head Rag Tax !
Geert Wilders:
How’s that for you Madame Chairman?
From the Gates of Vienna:

“The Battery is Dead”

Geert Wilders gave an important speech in the Dutch parliament yesterday. Our Flemish correspondent VH has translated the text of the speech, as well as some introductory material.
VH notes: “It’s interesting to observe that not only did the government fear his speech, but also the fraction leaders of other parties. Geert Wilders obviously dominates the political debate in and outside parliament.”
Fraction leaders are terrified of Geert Wilders
“What I notice, and what I hear from our reporter in The Hague, and what is part of it, is that all of them are very, very afraid and terrified of Geert Wilders, and are completely mesmerized, and that everyone, all fraction leaders […] are only busy with what Geert Wilders is going to do in the general debate.”
Below is the translated text of Mr. Wilders’ speech.
I must say that editing this text was pure pleasure. It is absolutely magnificent. Geert Wilders has the entire Dutch establishment by their miserable little government-issued gonads, and is beginning to squeeze. Hard.
Just think of the show when January rolls around and the regime puts this man on trial!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Speech by Geert Wilders on the first day of the General Debate in the Dutch parliament
It is over. This government has run aground, like an old car that got stuck in loose sand. It still squeaks a little, it cracks. Anyone can see that the little creature will never move one meter again. The battery is dead. It’s all over.
Madam Chairman, it would be laughable if it were not for the future of the Netherlands. Then you could make fun of that little club of helpless people who stare out through the misty windscreen, hoping there is someone who can tell them which way to go. They know themselves that if you look closely, it is way past saving. That they only made the wrong decisions and did not take note of the little sign: “swamp to the left”. Then they did turn left. Because their ideological GPS is programmed to only turn “left” ever since the sixties. They cannot do anything else. Wouter [Bos, Vice PM, Finance Minister PvdA, Socialist] behind the wheel, Andre [Rouwvoet, Youth and Family Minister CU, Christian Union] in the baby seat, and to Jan Peter [Balkenende, PM CDA, Christian Democrat] anything is okay as long as his party gets to stay in the front seat. [V1]
They tried to throw some ballast overboard. Mrs. Vogelaar [former Integration Minister PvdA, Socialist] was tied to a tree. Aboutaleb [Moroccan-Dutch mayor of Rotterdam PvdA, Socialist] got out in Rotterdam with all his passports. Van Geel [fraction leader CDA] would have preferred to take the turn to Brabant to become the Queen’s Governor there. Jan Peter [Balkenende] cries out all the time: “I want to go to Brussels!”, and the Al Gore parrot, Miss Cramer [Environment and Housing Minister PvdA, Socialist] trumpets from the back seat: “Not too fast, that is bad for the polar bears!” The only route the PvdA is proposing is to do a few turns around the [Amsterdam] canals.
Prime Minister, please just stop with this. Send that rusty piece of junk to the junkyard. Collect the scrap fee. It makes no sense anymore. There is only one reason why the government [“Cabinet”, coalition government] continues stumbling: that is out of fear of elections.
I do understand that. I get it. For when the Netherlands gets to vote, it will show that the crisis mainly is happening in one specific place… and that is in the government. The Balkenende/Bos people, who are most of all good at throwing billions towards the chalk lines, to the big banks. If the Netherlands is allowed to choose, it will choose against the snatching habits, the big fat bonuses and bungling with side jobs. How dare the government go after ordinary citizens while they simultaneously spend billions on banks and leftist hobbies, and hundreds of millions for the 19,000 asylum seekers that await us next year, about double the number of last year!
If the Dutch get to say what they think about the budget cuts, well then, I can predict what it will be: care, the police, and education will be spared. According to the Dutch there should not be any pinching and scraping on that. But the borders will be closed immediately to more fortune-seekers. Then the development aid spigot will be turned off tight, and there will no more be billions flowing to that bureaucratic Moloch, the European Union. Then the left-wing public TV will have to do with far less money, and there will be no expensive JSF [F-35 Joint Strike Fighter].
If the voters have their way, the fraction of the PvdA will fit in a Mini Cooper. Looking away just won’t help anymore. The coalition that has run aground may stick its head deep under the dashboard; the voters are on the verge of losing all patience, they are counting the days until the next election, which at the latest will be on May 11, 2011. The voters want a new parliament and a new government instead of this helpless bunch in that run-aground little car.
But, fair is fair; there is also a lot being achieved by this government. For instance, integration goes very well… At least, the integration of the Netherlands into Dar-al-Islam, the Islamic world. This government is enthusiastically co-operating with the Islamization of the Netherlands. In all of Europe the elite opens the floodgates wide. In only a little while, one in five people in the European Union will be Muslim. Good news for this multiculti-government that views bowing to the horrors of Allah as its most important task. Good news for the CDA [Christian Democratic Appeal, the party of the PM]: C-D-A, in the meanwhile stands for Christians Serve Allah [Christenen Dienen Allah].

Read it all here.

One Response

  1. Brilliant speech.

    His diagnosis is savagely accurate and hits hard.

    Whether the dullards in power will take any notice is another matter.

    But surely the people will.

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