Anti-jihad Germany Jihad Litigation Jihad Watch meathead politicians

Germany Goes After Pro-Israel Blogger Due to Outing SD Hamas-Hezbollah Supporter Nils Annen…….

Nils Annen doesn’t like being reminded
about who and what he supports

One last greeting to Mr Annen.”

One of the lone voices in Germany still exercising what’s left of European free speech is about to lose the last remnants of it. Anti-jihad, pro-Israel blogger Fred Alan Medforth, proprietor of the blogs Allah’s Willing Executioners and Jihad Watch Deutschland, is being sued by the German government. As he wrote me:

Mr. Medforth…offended [a] social-democratic member of the Bundestag, Nils Annen. Mr Annen is a German pro-Hamas and pro-Hizbollah politician. [But instead of] Mr. Annen suing Medforth…German justice sues Medforth [for] insulting Mr Annen… It is the German justice itself which wants a lawsuit against the German pro-Israel blogger.

That means it is a politically motivated court procedure. German justice states that [a photo published on the site] and its subtitle are insulting [to] Mr. Annen. The photo shows Hamas members presenting the Hitler salute. The text of the subtitle is : “One last greeting to Mr Annen.” The lawsuit takes place on the 12th of May, 2009 in the district court of Gelsenkirchen.
Between this and the January incident in which German police took down an Israeli flag from the window of a private residence at the behest of a Muslim mob, what we have is a role reversal: Germans acting as henchmen for the new Nazis — who were the Germans’ henchmen in WWII. It’s nice to always have friends you can count on.

NOTE: These politicians are slimy eels. They make common cause, openly, with genocidal Fascist’s, then feign ‘offence’ when their connections are brought to the light of day. That the proprietor of the German branch of Jihad Watch, Fred Alan Medforth, is being singled out for truth telling by the German state, not the moronic politician himself, shows you just how much Germany is on the skids. Political shows trials learned from their East German cousins. KGS

Update: Here’s another site reporting on the incident, that has German links.

2 Responses

  1. I like your stuff. I will be in Europe after the 20th of May.

    Wanna meet?

  2. Hi Sheik,

    The TT would be honored to meet with you, of course all depends on your schedule and how far north you’re willing to climb. 🙂

    I would more than willing to meet with you. Continue the discussion via email. KGS

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