Eurabia Eurocrats meathead politicians

Some MEP’s Choose to Defend Democracy While Other MEP’s Choose Golf…….

Finnish MEP, Alexander Stubb: “This is what a MEP’s day is like”

No fooling, Stubb, while you sit in the parliament building thinking of golf, other MEP’s have the common sense to set their minds on protecting the sovereignty of their countries against the non-democratic monster Europe has created for itself.

A.Stubb, who belongs to the Finnish National Coalition party, states his feelings about the recent demonstration in Strasbourg against a “parliament only ratification” of the Treaty of Lisbon.

Stubb: Salla kyseli eilisestä mielenosoituksesta. Sellainen todellakin oli. EU-sopimuksen vastustajat heiluttelivat “Referendum”-kylttejä ja huutelivat kun Pöttering, Barroso ja Socrates allekirjoittivat perusoikeuskirjan. Ei minulla sinällään ole mitään mielenosoituksia vastaan. Ne tuovat tavallaan vähän lisäväriä meidänkin täysistuntoihin.

Eilen meni vaan siinä mielessä överiksi, että muutamat mielenosoittajat huutelivat solvauksia kesken puheiden. Se ei mielestäni ollut tyylikästä. Eurooppa-hymniäkin kuunneltiin (siitä voi olla montaa mieltä…) ja sen aikana meno oli kuin jalkapallo-ottelussa. Jäi vain sellainen tunne, että Marseillen ja Liverpoolin välisessä matsissa oli paljon vähemmän huligaaneja kuin eilisessä täysistunnossa…”

Translation: Salla asked about yesterday’s demonstration. There really was one. Those against the EU-treaty waved “Referendum” signs and shouting when Pöttering, Barroso and Socrates were signing the constitution. I don’t have anything against the demonstration. They bring in a way, more color to our full sessions.

Yesterday it went a little overboard, a few demonstrators shouted insults in the middle of the speeches. It wasn’t in my opinion very stylish. While the Eurooppa hymn was being played, (there are many opinions on it) it was like a football match. It kind of felt like there were a lot less hooligans in the match between Marseille and Liverpool then in yesterday’s full session…”

There you have it folks, defenders of democracy are relegated to that of hooligans, while the charlatans steal Europe. Golf anyone? *L* KGS

Note: Check out the very cheesy video Stubb makes, at least you get the picture of the place and see some other Finnsh MEPS eating their breakfast.

Update: John Laughland writes in the Brussels Journal something that every European should take note of, especially those MEP Euro-weenie-crats who support the Treaty of Lisbon.

One Response

  1. In the last European election Stubb marketed himself as an “EU expert”. This might be true, since Stubb has turned out to be a political animal that feels right at home in the EU surroundings.

    I am ashamed to admit that I voted for that clown in the last Euro election (since I always used to vote for the Coalition Party in the past). The voter turnout was slightly above 30 percent of the electorate, which illustrates the popularity and significance of the European parliamentary election just right. Needless to say, I will not make the same mistake again.

    He knows the system all right. The trouble is that he doesn’t question the system.

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