
The Arab News is so Much Better……!

A story is told of a Jewish man who was riding on the subway reading an Arab newspaper. Afriend of his, who happened to be riding in the same subway car, noticed this strange phenomenon.

Very upset, he approached the newspaper reader: “Moshe, have you lost your mind? Why are you reading an Arab newspaper?”

Moshe replied: “I used to read the Jewish newspaper, but what did I find? Jews being persecuted, Israel being attacked, Jews disappearing through assimilation and intermarriage, Jews living in poverty.

So I switched to the Arab newspaper. Now what do I find? Jews own all the banks, Jews control the media, Jews are all rich and powerful, Jews rule the world.

Hat tip: TINSC

One Response

  1. loool wen i read ur blog a had the biggest laugh in ma life…..r u dum u jews wish u rule the world!!!! and ever jew knows that the day well come wen u hide behind the tree and the tree well tell the us a jew is behind me come and kill him loool…u prophet killers

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