Anti-Israel bigotry and bias anti-Semitism Finland Finnish activists Finnish Anti-Semites Israel Israeli culture


The kicker is, an Israeli LGBT activist, for 35 years, Avi Soffer, happens to be in town but they refuse him a place on their panel.

Sounds like to me, that they really aren’t interested at all in providing any ‘real dialogue’ on issue of LGBT’s in Israel, on the contrary, it’s to demonize teh Jewish state. The individuals responsible for the event, like Skysy Räsänen, are well known anti-Israel baiters, so you can guess how the event will go.

Pinkwashing is an irrational Leftist response to the obvious, that the only place in the Middle East where LGBT’s are in fact protected, is in Israel, that fact has to be discredited by the Leftist-IslamoNazi nexus because it’s so damaging to their anti-Israel crusade, so they have to invent, or over dramatize certain Israeli domestic issues that are comparable  to what can be found in other countries in the West.

This shows the irrational religious-like fervour of the anti-Israel Left, that there is absolutely nothing good with the Jewish state, nothing at all, everything that appears to be good has to be torn down and ripped apart. Thanks to morons like this:


I happened to come across this on Facebook:

LGBT Finland bds 3.2015

Pohjois-Hämeen Rauhanpuolustajat's photo.

“Reading from the Bible that I can be killed just because I´m gay made me realise what it is like to be Palestinian.”

What is it like to be gay/lesbian in Israel/Palestine? What does pinkwashing mean, and what does it have to do with apartheid?

Discussion on these issues on Sunday 22nd of March at 6 p.m. at Telakka.

At 6.30 p.m. there will be a screening of the documentary film City of Borders by Korean American director Yun Suhi. The film follows the lives of Palestinian and Israeli Jewish gays and lesbian around a gay bar in Jerusalem. The quote above is from an Israeli Jewish man who used to run the bar. He is also one of the main characters in the film.

City of Borders has won awards in Berlin International Film Festival, Vancouver Queer Film Festival, Barcelona International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival and Montreal Human Rights Film Festival to name a few.

After the screening there will be a panel discussion with the chair of ICAHD Finland, Syksy Räsänen, Nagham Slieman, Pirkanmaan Seta’s More than rainbow group with among other panelists.

Both the screening and the discussion are free of charge, and no registration in advance is needed.

The event is a part of the Action Week Against Racism, and it is organised by Pohjois-Hämeen Rauhanpuolustajat, Mytty – Tampereen Maan ystävät, Pirkanmaan SETA ry and Vattu

City of Borders trailer:

City of Borders home page:

The movie is only partially subtitled in English and the discussion will be also in English which will be translated to Finnish.

NOTE: It’s entirely irrelevant what your views are on homosexuality, LGBT movement ect., this is an issue of right vs. wrong, factual information on how this minority fares within the Jewish state and bald faced lies in order to smear the Jews.

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