anti-Semitic attack anti-Semitism EU Eurabia Europe



And it’s for all of the same reasons posted here at the TT on a daily basis.

And the nay sayers who rail against this blog and against others in the anti-Islamization movement (Counterjihad) have nothing to say to this man and his family, for they are part of the reasons why he chose to leave.

Four years ago I interviewed a French Jewish doctor, Dr.Ami Cammarella, concerning his reasons why he was leaving France for good, (now resides in Israel), it was due to the rise of antisemitism, and more Jews are coming to the same conclusion and decision as Ami.

NOTE: The irony of Europe destroying +6million of its Jews, then shedding crocodile tears in their yearly apologies for the mass murders, while they import by the tens of millions, immigrants from Islamic lands who hold deep seated anti-Jewish views, cannot be understated. In fact, it shows their apologies to be a total sham.

For our children, before it’s too late

Testimony detailing the reasons a Belgian Jewish family chose to leave Belgium for the United States: the rise of anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, the attacks of Toulouse, Islamism, etc.

3 Responses

  1. I am a great fan of your site as well of that of VladTepes and Gates of Vienna and have given some money to Vlad and I am ashamed I have not given more. I plan to this year.

    Regarding Europe, as a Jew I must say I enjoy reading of the rapes of European women and I do not enjoy reading of the rapes of European women. But being raped will be their fate. Maybe we are better off without Europe. I say that Israel should deport ALL of the Arab Muslims to Oslo, Paris, London, Berlin, Jordan, Cairo and Detroit.

    The EU is going to suffer a lot more. A lot more and there is nothing nobody can do about it.

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