Afghanistan Islamic misogyny




In Afghanistan women fleeing violence face jail terms

A report issued by Human Rights Watch last year, claims that hundreds of women and girls are imprisoned for the moral crimes of running away from home, and sex outside of marriage

Prisoner Sara Gul changes her baby's diaper inside the women's prison in Afghanistan

Even though the Taliban government in Afghanistan fell more than ten years ago, the justice system is still discriminatory in its treatment of women as is the legal system.Al Jazeera reporter, Jennifer Glasse reports from Herat at a women’s jail. Many Afghan women are in jail for fleeing domestic abuse or violence. Even rape victims are jailed for what are called “moral crimes” as the appended video shows, Afghanistan is unique even among those countries which base their judicial system on Sharia law in that Afghanistan is the only jurisdiction which claims there is a crime of fleeing. Heather Barr, Afghan Researcher, at Human Rights Watch said: “Afghanistan is the only Islamic government in the world that specifically criminalised running away.” There is no mention of the offense in Afghan law. The problem of running away could be solved if Afghanistan had more women’s shelters and other programs.

A report issued by Human Rights Watch last year, claims that hundreds of women and girls are imprisoned for the moral crimes of running away from home, and sex outside of marriage.The report had called for an estimated 400 women to be freed so that the Afghan government would fulfill its obligations under international human rights law.

Read more: H/T: Aeneas

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