Finland Lefty Morons UPI Analysts

Finnish Analyst/Researcher on US Politics, Charley Pasternak Repeats Widely Debunked Myth Of “Police Systemic Racism” …….


Either an incredibly uninformed ignoramus, or a certifiable hack…


Finnish UPI researcher, Charley Pasternak opines on Twitter that there’s systemic racism in the ranks of the police. He’s basically repeating the propaganda of the Marxist BLM/Antifa movement which has been belching it over the past few months ever since the riots began. Soon after George Floyd -a career criminal who was found to have lethal/fatal doses of fentanyl in his bloodstream- died, the BLM/Antifa/Muslim nexus of miscreants and malcontents began to message and riot.


The “researcher” at Finland’s UPI (FIIA) Charley Pasternak Tweets an uninformed comment that just propogates the myth of a “war on blacks” by the various police forces in the US.


I go on to state that:


“Blacks are some 13-15% of the population but represented in over 50% of crime stats involving serious crime (i.e.murder). Most of these shootings by police occur in Democrat-controlled cities/states, and by minority police officers most of whom come from these communities.”


What Pasternak states in his initial Tweet is entirely false as noted by an actual expert on the subject, Heather Mac Donald.


There is no epidemic of fatal police shootings against unarmed Black Americans


The video of George Floyd’s tragic death under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer has led many to ask whether it represents the tip of an iceberg of police brutality. For centuries, United States law enforcement was interwoven with slavery and segregation, and that memory cannot be easily erased. But the evidence does not support the charge that biased police are systematically killing Black Americans in fatal shootings.
Much of modern policing is driven by crime data and community demands for help. The African American community tends to be policed more heavily, because that is where people are disproportionately hurt by violent street crime. In New York City in 2018, 73% of shooting victims were Black, though Black residents comprise only 24% of the city’s population.


Read the entire piece here.


Also here:  In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.

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