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The Old Continent: EU Parliament’s new anti-terrorism report: “Radicalisation not to be associated with any one ideology or faith, may occur within any of them”…….


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European Parliament’s new anti-terrorism report: “Radicalisation not to be associated with any one ideology or faith, may occur within any of them”

On 22 March, European Parliament (EP) discussed new measures to stop terrorism. In order to prevent new attacks, the EP proposes more thorough checks at European borders, better police and judicial cooperation in tracing suspects, as well as pursuing perpetrators. It further aims at cutting the financingof terrorism and tackling organised crime, which it deems connected to terrorism. Finally, it wants to address radicalisation.


There is a handy ‘infographic,’ which tells us that in 2016 alone, 142 people died in terrorist attacks. That an estimated 5000 Europeans have joined terrorist organisations in Iraq and Syria. In France, the UK and Spain 456, 149 and 120 persons respectively were arrested for terrorism-related offences, making a total of 1002, 44% of which were EU citizens. To combat this, the infographic claims a wide range of ‘measures’ dating back to May 2015. Most of them only skirt around the issue, dealing with the periphery of terrorism: border checks, money laundering and a weapon’s embargo on Saudi Arabia. ”


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