Islam in Germany Islamic pedophilia Rape

TheOldContinent: 15 y/o girl doesn’t leave home without pepper spray after rape by four Afghan men…….

What makes this all the more painful to learn about, that it was all entirely avoidable…


If Western leaders insisted in unison that nations in the areas of conflict take these refugees in, and ensure aid would be forthcoming, as well as security, our countries here in Europe and in the rest of the West would not be affected in the way they are now. This was totally avoidable, but we have buffoons in charge, and the public, mostly females, are feeling the brunt of it, literally.


Germany: 15 y/o girl sexually assaulted by 4 Afghan men recalls experience. Doesn’t leave home without pepper spray

On 25 May 2016, a 15-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by four immigrants in the German city of Stendal. Lisa (fictitious name) was out for an afternoon jog on the Nordwall, when she was coming up to three “foreign-looking” men. Feeling something was wrong, she changes direction.


According to a report by Allgemeiner Zeitung, suddenly a man jumps out of the bushes and takes hold of both her arms. Three more men surround her. They grab her face, pinch her bottom and fondle her breast. She screams, kicks and punches all around herself. A witness comes to her rescue. The 15-year-old is able to flee. Distraught and in tears, she telephones her mother:

Mama, mama, I’ve been assaulted. Come as quickly as possible.

A year has passed since the attack. Lisa has put the ‘incident’ behind her. At least, that’s what it looks like to the outside world. In an interview published on 29 September, her mother talks about the impact the assault has had on her daughter:

My daughter has been scared since the assault. She is scared to go out at night. When she leaves the house, she always carries pepperspray. She often fears coming face to with one of the perpetrators.


More here.

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