Douglas murray

Douglas Murray: Mass migration, the tiniest dose of reality hits…….

The elitists of the world want to remove borders, nation state sovereignty and by default, individual sovereignty as well….


It’s a complete rejection of , and total war against, the civil society based upon Enlightenment philosophy.


Mass-Migration: The Tiniest Dose of Reality Hits

by Douglas Murray  •  September 19, 2017 at 5:00 am

  • If you do not have control of your borders, with a meaningful set of immigration laws and the right to keep people out of your country, then you do not really have a country.
  • While the public wants their representatives to control their borders, politicians seem to see only political capital in running the other way. In part this is because there appears to be some kind of “bonus” to be achieved by looking welcoming and kindly, in contrast to the unwelcoming and mean things that borders now appear to represent.
  • By the end of August, it was estimated that almost 12,000 people had arrived in Canada through this route so far this year. It is a number that constitutes little more than an averagely busy week in Italy at any time over recent years. But even this comparatively tiny movement across an entire year has proven too much for Canada. At the end of last month, Prime Minister Trudeau told reporters: “For someone to successfully seek asylum it’s not about economic migration. It’s about vulnerability, exposure to torture or death, or being stateless people. If they are seeking asylum we’ll evaluate them on the basis of what it is to be a refugee or asylum seeker.”


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