Anti-Islamization Anti-sharia UKIP

UKIP now to take an anti-Burka and anti-sharia law agenda as part of its party platform……..

As much as I respect Nigel Farage for his help in getting Brexit to become a reality (at least on the way to becoming one), this is something that he would never sign on to, and should have.
Personally, I think that it should be banned by the state for the obvious security issues that arise. What really should be a target is sharia law and Islam taking over the public space, forcing the majority non-Muslim society to placate to Islamic norms and whims. That’s as much or even a bigger issue than the burka. Islamization.

Ukip leader Paul Nuttall puts full-face veil ban at heart of party’s general election campaign

Move would put Britain in line with France, Belgium and Bulgaria where the burka – which covers the entire body including face – is outlawed

UKIP leader Paul Nuttall will put a ban on wearing full-face veils at the centre of his general election campaign this week.


He will propose action to tackle the rise of Islamic extremism and promote social integration in his party’s manifesto.


It would put Britain in line with France, Belgium and Bulgaria where the burka – which covers the entire body including face – is outlawed.


Mr Nuttall believes garments such as the burka and niqab are a barrier to social harmony and a security risk.


Launching Ukip’s “integration agenda”, he will also propose an explicit ban on Sharia law being applied in the UK – and all existing sharia courts disbanded.


More here.

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