Katie Hopkins: “When does a rescue mission turn into a ferry service?…….

What’s taking place in the Med is nothing more than a fast paced shuttle service for Muslim settlers heading for Europe.

This insanity has to be stopped.

When does a rescue mission turn into a ferry service? KATIE HOPKINS reveals how the well-meaning groups trying to stop migrants from drowning may be risking the very lives they are trying to save

Earlier this month, Nigerian asylum seeker Yakubu Yahya, 17 (centre), was pictured onboard of the Golfo Azurro vessel one day after being rescued by members of Proactiva Open Arms NGO

Something very strange is happening in the Mediterranean this spring, as the migration season gets into gear and we brace ourselves for another summer of migrants being plucked from sinking rust-buckets or being washed up dead on Italian and Greek shores.

All is not as it seems.

Right under the noses of the Italian authorities and the EU border agency, Frontex, a charitable ‘ferry service’ has been launched, with shiny new boats and sympathetic staff allegedly colluding with the people smugglers controlling the migrant trade.

A ferry service from Libya to Italy — direct — provided by private NGO ‘rescue boats’ which have about as much to do with rescue as I have with diplomacy.

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