Hell holes…..

If the overwhelming majority of these people were Christian refugees, there wouldn’t be any such outbreaks of violence.

Nuri Kino: Threats and violence – what is the right of asylum hosting then?

Asylum Accommodation.

Asylum Accommodation. Photo: Yvonne Åsell

A woman calling in a panic, she whispers: “Get me out of here, I beg you, they will kill us, they have drawn N on our doors.” The call came from Iraq’s second largest city Mosul the same day as the terrorist organization ISIS invaded the city and threatened to kill all Christians unless they left the city.

Another woman calling, also in panic, she whispers: “Jag, please, get me out of here, I’m afraid they will mistreat my child, they threatened us.” The call came from an asylum accommodation in Sörmland. She is a Christian, comes from Syria and says she can not stay behind as Islamists harasses her and her children every day. She dares not leave her room. The staff at the asylum accommodation I talk to say that there is nothing they can do.

A few months ago an Islamist was sentenced for having threatened to murder a Christian from another asylum accommodation. Islamist threatened among other things, to cut the throat of the Christian. In a third asylum accommodation the staff has been spat on, one of the employees told the residents that she is an atheist, she does not believe in any God. They were convinced that she said so to attack their faith. They accused her and those of the staff who tried to protect her, to be “infidels pigs”.

More here in Swedish H/T:  Retweeted  15m

5 Responses

  1. Animals will always be animals. Leave them in their own lands and let them kill each other off. That would be the most humane thing to do for all of us. As it is, they are just a waste of resources and an incurable social illness.

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