Islam in Sweden Jihad Junkies Sweden


sweden muzzin in multicultural lala land

Gothenburg new Mecca for IS-Islamic State

Islamic state ice isisIslam in Sweden Approximately 300 Muslims with Swedish citizenship is estimated to have traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the terrorist group Islamic State barbaric depredations. Many of these have been residents in Gothenburg, where managers do not seem to take the situation especially seriously.

Tonight examines SVT Missions examination of the many consequences of the destructive multicultural ideology had in Sweden – Islam and Islamists. In this new world order Gothenburg has an unflattering prominent role as a refuge for the majority of Islamists on Swedish soil.

In town there is a charge of combating violent extremism, Sven-Johan Dahlstrand, waving away the seriousness of the situation and seems to try reduce the threat Islamists pose.

– Our position is that we do not want to Gothenburg citizens to travel and commit crimes abroad or at home. And we want to preserve their lives and health. Since we can not decide what war or what issue they support, he says.

– It reduces the question if you just talk about jihad. The fact that people are traveling and to battles for different groups has not only to do with jihad, but it could be other contexts as well. Not least if you look over time.

Furthermore Sven-Johan Dahlstrand compares Islamists with Swedes who traveled to including Spanish Civil War and the Finnish Winter War. “People have traveled for various reasons, so it is important to look at the wider issue”, he said.

The comparison is seen, and called, absurd by Peder Hyllengren, terrorism researcher at the Swedish National Defence College.

– It’s an absurd comparison. These are people who align themselves with the world’s worst terrorist organization. The only historical parallel in modern times that I can think of that may be more or less relevant in that case Swedes who joined the Waffen SS during World War II.

– Yes, that is a hair-raising statement. It is extremely important that the community is not a neutral face to Swedes who are committed to a terrorist organization, but this society must be crystal clear that this is wrong. We have a long history in Sweden that municipalities have taken a stand against Nazism. It should be as natural to take a stand against jihadism, he says.

H/T: Fjordman

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