Leftist Apologizers for Islam Leftist-Muslim nexus Taqqiya


What’s in question here is not any kind ”solidarity”, but a public relations attempt to put a shine on Islam, nothing more, nothing less. Only the delusional and/or ignorant will be amazed by this. While they encircle the Jews, their co-religionists will be chanting their daily prayer. From Islam-Watch:

”asking Allah to keep the Muslim from the path of the Jews and Christians. This prayer is recited seventeen times a day by devout Muslims.”

Surah 2:61 which says, ”Shame and misery were stamped upon [the Israelites] and they incurred the wrath of Allah; because they disbelieved Allah’s signs and slew His prophets unjustly; because they were rebels and transgressors.”

Surah 4:44 which says, Consider those to whom a portion of the Scriptures was given [i.e., Christians]. They purchase error for themselves and wish to see you go astray.

So, the only supplication in the standard Muslim prayer is asking Allah to keep the Muslim from the path of the Jews and Christians. This prayer is recited seventeen times a day by devout Muslims.

The Friday prayer is even more offensive to Jews and Christians, as it requires not only two recitations of Al-Fatihah, but also Surah 62 – The Friday Congregation – and Surah 63 – The Hypocrites. Surah 62 specifically condemns Gentiles as being “in gross error,” and Jews are compared with “a donkey laden with books.” Surah 63 condemns “hypocrites,” those who have renounced their Muslim faith. “They are the enemy. Guard yourself against them.” More here

Breaking news: Muslims to protect Oslo synagogue

A group of Norwegian Muslims will be forming a circle around Oslo synagogue after the celebration of Shabat this Saturday in a solidarity gesture called the Ring of Peace.

“If the Jihadists want to use violence in the name of Islam, they must go through us Muslims first,” said one of the event’s initiators.

Islam is to protect our brothers and sisters, regardless of which religion they belong to.

Islam is to rise above hate and never sink at the same level as the haters. Islam is to defend each other. More here

What a pile of stinking poo.

The protection racket by Islam for Jews and Christians, is the institution of Dhimma, 

The vanquished non-Muslims peoples are granted security for their life and possessions, as well as a relative self-autonomous administration and limited religious rights according to the modalities of the conquest. These rights are subject to two conditions: the payment of a poll tax (the jizya) and submission to the provisions of Islamic law.

The concept of toleration is linked to a number of discriminatory obligations in the economic, religious and social fields, imposed by the shari’a on the dhimmis. The transgression by the dhimmis of some of these obligations, abolished their protection, and threaten them with death or slavery. Dhimmis suffered many legal disabilities intended to reduce them to a condition of humiliation, segregation and discrimination. These rules, established from the eight to nine centuries by the founders of the four schools of Islamic law, set the pattern of the Muslim’s community’s social behavior toward dhimmis.

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