Finland Refugees Syria


Are you freaking kidding me?

Ahmed, 28, from Syria, has been in Syria during the war five times. He has lived in Finland for a couple of years. Now he lives in Turku.

Since when does the status of refugee, include people who freely travel back and forth from the land that they’re fleeing? Five times.

His sister still lives there:

Syyrialaisen Ahmedin sisko esitteli naisten pukeutumistyyliä terroristijärjestö Isisin alueella. Ennen sotaa ranskan kieltä ja kulttuuria opiskelleella siskolla oli vaikeuksia tottua burkaan.

”Ahmed’s sister in Syria was shows the style of clothing for women terrorist organization Isisin introduced to the area. Before the war, the sister who was studying the French language and culture  had a hard time getting used to the burka.”

Syyriasta kotoisin oleva Ahmed, 28, on käynyt Syyriassa sodan aikana viidesti. Hän on asunut Suomessa pari vuotta. Nyt hän asuu Turussa.

There are drooping bags underneath the young man’s eyes

Ahmed, 28, just returned from Syria a few days ago to his home town in Turku (Finland).

Ahmed is a native of Syria, but has lived a few years in Finland. During the war, he visited Syria five times. HS

The entire piece is about ”Ahmed’s ” travels to Syria, the plight of his sister in Raqqa, his cousin and nephew fighting for the Islamic State/Al-Qaida and his parents living in Turkey. It’s however ridiculous for the state to grant ”refugee” status to a man who keeps travelling to the area of conflict. Another question however rises to the forefront, why isn’t he fighting against the jihadis himself?

It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that he’s actually a jihadi himself, bringing news back and forth between the two areas, and everything in between.

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