Anti-Israel bigotry and bias Carl Bildt


Carl Bildt, when his foot isn’t in his mouth, it’s up his rear.


Of course Bildt believes every single negative thing about Israel, just like the Muslims he placates, and died-in-the-wool conspiracy fanatics, they believe just about anything about the Jews.

anti-Semitic chef

The anti-Semitic chef: ”Just a pinch of me will do!”

Fail of The Day: Carl Bildt Tweets Satire As Fact

Carl Bildt, former Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs and former Prime Minister of Sweden, has been known to put his foot in it when it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Back in 2008, he compared Binyamin Netanyahu to Hamas:

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt angered Israeli diplomatic officials Wednesday when he made a direct comparison between Hamas and opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu. In an interview with a Swedish radio station, Bildt was asked how it was possible for Israel to make peace with the Palestinians while Hamas controlled the Gaza Strip. “It is possible to make peace without Hamas the same way it is possible to make peace without Netanyahu on the Israeli side,” Bildt said. Israeli diplomatic officials called the comparison “chutzpah” and said that Bildt had a long history of making pro-Palestinian statements. “It is a horrible and stupid statement that displays complete ignorance about the Middle East,” a Foreign Ministry official told The Jerusalem Post. “He clearly does not understand the difference between the leader of an Israeli political party and a group that is engaging in the terror that threatens Europe as much as Israel.”

Now he’s done it again, this time sharing a link from a satirical site as truth.

More at Israellycool! H/T: Brian of London!

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