That’s in need of being decimated.


Lewis: ISIS Has Strong Bureaucratic Structure, Likely Repeatable Processes

Jessica Lewis, research director at the Institute for the Study of War and former Army intelligence officer, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday to discuss the threat posed by ISIS and how the terror group’s bureaucratic, corporate structure makes them even more dangerous.

Lewis noted that ISIS has the ability to document the military actions of all its local organizations through a strong bureaucracy, which is very important for a group that is involved in many different regional campaigns.

Additionally, ISIS is very sophisticated in its use of social media to recruit new members. Lewis pointed out that the public relations arm is one of their most developed organizations within ISIS, enabling their messages to spread globally.

The strong structure of ISIS also gives the group flexibility to attack or shift its forces on both sides of the Iraq/Syria border, depending on where they are needed.

“It is likely that ISIS, with this bureaucracy, has repeatable processes,” Lewis explained. “The more repetition they have within their campaign, the easier it is to target it effectively.”


One Response

  1. It’s time for a prophylactic war to dispose of IS,Boko Haram, and all other Mudslime arseholes in what ever country!

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