Muslim Criminality



They should just read Nicolai Sennels excellent book, Among Criminal Muslims. A Psychologist’s Experience from the Copenhagen Municipality here’s an excerpt from a article written by Sennels at New English Review:

After having consulted with 150 young Muslim clients in therapy and 100 Danish clients (who, on average, shared the same age and social background as their Muslim inmates), my findings were that the Muslims’ cultural and religious experiences played a central role in their psychological development and criminal behavior. “Criminal foreigners” is not just a generalizing and imprecise term. It is unfair to non-Muslim foreigners and generally misleading.

A FPM interview is available here.

Dutch Media Discussion on “Gangster Islam”

In some Dutch media, a discussion has started on a phenomenon called, “Gangster Islam”.  The psychologist, Timon Dias, writes that the synthesis between criminality, street life and Islamic religion is a unique European phenomenon.  One of its characteristics is that its members are criminals with a Muslim background who are not very religious, yet see themselves as part of the Muslim community.

However criminal they are, they will never say anything negative about Islam.  The Muslim ex-politician, Ibrahim Wijbenga, who warns of the growing influence of the Gangster-Islam, points out that many of the jihadis and the young Muslim extremists have a criminal past.  Wijbenga has often been threatened with physical violence, and has had to have police protection.


One Response

  1. “..Timon Dias, writes that the synthesis between criminality, street life and Islamic religion is a unique European phenomenon. ..”

    It is not unique to Europe at all. You will find exactly the same behaviours in Canada and most probably in the US (any US readers have an opinion?). Though I guess in the US – where more people have access to guns – tards will show their true colours as cowards.

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