Finland Refugees



Letting em in by the planeload, more easy to get than to get rid of.

We have kept this as an option for relatives of Syrians living in Finland, who can get a visa and then when they arrive claim asylum,” said Väliparta.

They would be better served in a country nearby with same language and values. Wiser heads prevailing, though no one knows how much longer:

Finland’s asylum policy is tighter than that of many EU countries. Last year Finland made positive decisions in 1,800 asylum applications. Eurostat figures show that Italy did the same in 16,000 cases, while Sweden accepted 24,000 claims

Refugee Council: More humanitarian visas for refugees

With the number of refugees now at a post-war high, the Finnish Refugee Council has proposed granting more visas on humanitarian grounds to help reduce dangerous attempts to cross the Mediterranean.

Ihmisiä syömässä.
Refugee numbers are at a post-war high worldwide. These people fled their homes in northern Iraq in June 2014. Image: Antti Kuronen / Yle

The Finnish Refugee Council says that granting more humanitarian visas could help ensure that the quota refugee system benefits those it was originally intended to help: refugees from long-running conflicts.

“Asylum applications should be made in the country from which asylum is sought,” said Kaisa Väliparta, head of communication for the Refugee Council. “Humanitarian visas would be one way to help people get to Finland safely to seek asylum. They wouldn’t need to take risks in crossing the Mediterranean.”

A UN report published on Friday suggests that there are now more refugees worldwide than there have been at any point since the Second World War. More than 50 million people have fled their homes because of conflict, according to the UN, and more than 6 million people have been refugees for years or even decades.

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