Islam in France



In other words, hopeless.


New anti-radicalisation plans aimed at fighting jihadism

Latest update : 2014-04-23

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve (pictured) will submit an anti-radicalisation plan to the cabinet on Wednesday aimed at stopping youths from joining jihadist groups in Syria.

France is set to unveil a new anti-radicalisation plan aimed at French citizens or residents believed to be at risk of involvement in violent extremism amid concerns over the growing numbers of youths joining the jihad in Syria.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve will present the anti-radicalisation strategy to the French cabinet on Wednesday following months of intensive research and coordination by his ministry.

The comprehensive strategy is designed to combat radicalism from the early stages of cyber indoctrination to the advanced phase of jihadist volunteers travelling to the battlefield or zone of operation, according to French officials.

“Our plan is to tackle this upstream [at the source], and all the way downstream,” said French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius in an interview with a French radio station Tuesday. “We will identify young people caught on this tragic path. We will monitor this online, and then we must stop them from crossing the Syrian border, and monitor their return and reintegration.”

The new anti-radicalisation strategy comes as senior officials have raised the alarm over the growing ranks of French youths joining jihadist groups in Syria.

More here. H/T: Fjordman


5 Responses

  1. Hello there….its me again…..Don Laird…

    Below is posted a comment made on Vlad……excuse my laziness…..mea culpa.

    Before I post the comment let me say what I have said publicly now for over 5 years, in many ways, many times and using many words.

    I will say again what I have said before and what has been pooh-poohed by the “moderates”, these gut wrenching cowards whose stick and trade; dithering, indecisive cowardice, has now brought us to our present point.

    I say again, this will come to blood.

    This removal of the Muslim in its various forms, from amongst us in the West will require blood. And who will bleed?

    Not the “moderate blogger”, not the “moderate bureaucrat”, not the “moderate academic”, not the “moderate judiciary”, rather the citizen whose cause has been betrayed by cowards and those who prefer the taste of the boots and filthy ass of the Muslim to that of freedom and democratic self-determination.

    And perhaps it should, as then, when the common man dies in thousands trying to wrest their country from the hands of the vulgar, the savage, the barbaric, from the hands of the Muslim, perhaps then they will hold her a little dearer and watch her enemies a little closer.

    Here’s my Vald blurb regarding Ms. Le Pen


    This, Ladies and Gentlemen……is EXACTLY the sort of clear and unswerving language that needs to be used by politicians when describing the virulence and exponential growth of Islamic malignance and what they intend to do about it.

    This Ladies and Gentlemen is one, just one progressive and badly needed step toward deportation of the Muslim.

    In addition, this sort of bold leadership will be noticed and emulated by other national leaders around the world.

    Count on it.

    I could not be happier.

    Regards, Don Laird
    Dogtown Bastard
    Alberta, Canada

  2. Well Don, what you have been saying for the last 5 years, I’ve been saying the same for over 30 years informalym and over blogs since 2001. Here is a link that goes back to 2009

    DP111 on February 25, 2009 at 5:58 pm said:

    The present drift towards a situation – Muslims becoming ever more numerous, and demanding more as a consequence, will eventually lead to a civil war, with countless dead and untold suffering. I’ve maintained this since 2005 at the least (Google: Global civil war + DP111), and see nothing in the future but a catastrophe in the making.

    What do we do? What is required is for a prominent set of politicians, writers, and thinkers, to state with humility and compassion, that we, i.e., the West have made a colossal mistake, and before it is too late, to right that. That humanity and compassion for all, Muslims included, require that separation from Islam/Muslims be undertaken as a matter of urgency, or else we are looking at the demise of the West, or a civil war that makes Bosnia look like a garden party.

    It is sad to state, but nothing can save the West from separate civil wars breaking out all over, like an ugly rash. There are no easy options left now except a parting of communities. This is the most humane solution we have at the moment, and even this option is time limited. In the end we face a gruesome civil war in the future (Kosovo, Bosnia, Thailand etc), which after countless dead, will lead to “ethnic” cleansing as the final outcome.

    I sincerely hope I’m wrong, for civil wars are the worst, especially those involving Islam. Let us hope and pray, that it all comes out right in the end without a civil war.

  3. Don I’ve been saying this informally for over 30 years, and on blogs since 2001.

    DP111 on February 25, 2009 at 5:58 pm said:

    The present drift towards a situation – Muslims becoming ever more numerous, and demanding more as a consequence, will eventually lead to a civil war, with countless dead and untold suffering. I’ve maintained this since 2005 at the least (Google: Global civil war + DP111), and see nothing in the future but a catastrophe in the making.

    What do we do? What is required is for a prominent set of politicians, writers, and thinkers, to state with humility and compassion, that we, i.e., the West have made a colossal mistake, and before it is too late, to right that. That humanity and compassion for all, Muslims included, require that separation from Islam/Muslims be undertaken as a matter of urgency, or else we are looking at the demise of the West, or a civil war that makes Bosnia look like a garden party.

    It is sad to state, but nothing can save the West from separate civil wars breaking out all over, like an ugly rash. There are no easy options left now except a parting of communities. This is the most humane solution we have at the moment, and even this option is time limited. In the end we face a gruesome civil war in the future (Kosovo, Bosnia, Thailand etc), which after countless dead, will lead to “ethnic” cleansing as the final outcome.

    I sincerely hope I’m wrong, for civil wars are the worst, especially those involving Islam. Let us hope and pray, that it all comes out right in the end without a civil war.

  4. @DP111 et al…….

    Of course its “you know who”……

    The reality of our situation is that we are now almost without a choice with respect to the use of military and law enforcement to remove the Muslim.

    We are now at this crossroads and will remain here for only a short while.

    The Muslim is becoming entrenched almost to the point of complete permanence and the only thing that our actions will change now is not the removal of the Muslim, that will, broadly speaking, always be achievable, but the blood required be split to effect that removal.

    There are those who are reading my words and are somewhat uncomfortable with my assertions and to those I say this; it was, is now and always will be your cowardice and Chamberlainesque stupidity that has us in our current predicament and will should we continue to dither, will be the very same that forges the shackles to be worn by generation a thousand years hence.

    You all know this to be true and yet you walk around the truth and the reality of what must be done, holding your noses and averting your eyes like the truth were some steaming pile of dogshit in your paths. This lunacy is suicidal.

    I defy one or all of you to submit an essay which lays out a reasonable plan to solve the Muslim/Islam issue in the West. One that is effective, expeditious and realistic in its goal and the path it will travel to achieve that goal.

    Each and every one of you knows that Islam must be, in its every form, be outlawed and criminalized. MacArthur knew the threat Shinto posed in post-war Japan and acted decisively. Yes, the Japanese were a beaten people but he recognized the role Shinto played in inspiring fanaticism and wiped it from every facet of public life and put into place severe penalties for infractions of his orders.

    In our case we too must outlaw Islam, that which inspires fanaticism and violence, But in our case we are not dealing with a beaten people we are dealing with a defiant, and openly murderous people who are calling for our subjugation, or enslavement or our murder and as to which these Muslims are not particular.

    Considering this open hostility and defiance the only course of action is the criminalization of Islam, the deconstruction of all mosques and Islamic association/friendship centers and the commencement of a program of selective deportation.

    This considered you and I and every sane, rational, thinking and intellectual person, man or woman, knows that this will require blood. This considered, you know that Muslims across the western world are aware of our only alternative and have been arming themselves and stockpiling ammunition. They and the realists among us know that we will have to spill blood, lots of blood to rid ourselves of the problem our cowardice created in the first place. I defy anyone, absolutely anyone to argue otherwise.

    I am currently working on an essay that lays out our current issues in dealing with the Muslim and its Islam.

    I am advocating a program of M.A.I.D


    In preparation for that I advocate complete and detailed identification of all Muslims in North America and this identification to be supplemented with details regarding businesses, government posts held and to include but not limited to a list of those in the judiciary, the bureaucracy, the business world, the academia, the military/law enforcement agencies, the legal industry and among private citizens who support or who are sympathetic to the Muslim.

    Once again. There are those who dither, who gaze at the toes of their shoes, who are indecisive, who are cowards and all of those same who are bloody silent when asked for a solution to the Muslim problem. Yet when removal and criminalization are put forth as a viable and effective solution, these same people, bereft of any other solution, start crying and coughing blood in protest.

    So, either they put up or shut up and join those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do what must be done.

    Regards, Don Laird
    Dogtown bastard
    Alberta, Canada.

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