anti-Semitism Ukraine



Ras-Putin ginning up the situation.


One thing is for sure, having Neo-Nazis in the government… is not a good sign.

WJC denounces ‘exaggerated accounts’ of Ukrainian anti-Semitism

04/01/2014 19:51

Ukrainian leaders have accused Putin of spreading lies about how minorities, including Jews, are treated in Ukraine.

An Orthodox Jew prays in the Ukrainian town of Uman.

An Orthodox Jew prays in the Ukrainian town of Uman. Photo: REUTERS

The World Jewish Congress spoke out on Tuesday against those who it believes are making political fodder of the troubles facing Ukrainian Jewry.

Meeting in Paris, the executive committee of the international Jewish body condemned manifestations of anti-Semitism in the Eastern European nation, which has been rocked by political turmoil and conflict with Russia over the past several months.

In a resolution, the WJC expressed its concerns over the inclusion of the ultra-nationalist Svoboda party in the government that replaced Russian backed president Viktor Yanukovich in late February.

While the text of the resolution urged “all parties to ensure that anti-Semitic and anti-minority incitement is not tolerated,” it also expressed the concerns of several Ukrainian Jewish leaders regarding what they believe is the politicization of anti-Semitism for ulterior motives.

One Response

  1. The Ukrainian Jews are scared of “Praviy sector” thugs, who have shown willingness and capacity to brutally retaliate against anyone who opposes their vile neo-nazi ideology. Old-fashioned judenhass is rampant in the Ukraine, and it’s hardly a “Putin’s propaganda”. Just ask the new repatriants to Israel from Ukraine, who made “aliya” recently.

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