multiculturalism Norway



It’s happening everywhere in the Nordic region 

Finland also has the same reputation for honesty, I have in fact had my wallet returned to me while on a train headed to Helsinki. Also, the leaving of one’s coat and bags on the seat while you head for the toilet or snack bar, is just a matter of fact, you know that your belongings will remain unmolested. However, things are changing here as well, with the influx of people from foreign lands who come from hostile cultures, Finnish honesty, a unique characteristic of Finnish culture, is something that has to be learned, and in my opinion, will only decrease with time.

NOTE: The same phenomenon could be found in the U.S. southern state of Georgia (and elsewhere around the South no doubt) where I once resided as a young adult. The people I knew never locked the doors of their homes, as well as keeping the keys to their cars in the ignition.

I asked once why that was, and the reply I got was, ”no one steals from anyone here, and if someone in an emergency is in need of a car, is there for the using”. With the influx of people into the South unaccustomed with the local culture from their earliest years, that too has become but a curious feature of a time where trust was a central feature in everyday society.

Lost wallet test shows Oslo’s falling honesty

Lost wallet test shows Oslo's falling honesty

Published: 22 Nov 2013 13:33 GMT+01:00

Oslo’s residents are a little less honest than they were back in the 90s, a replay of the famous “lost wallet” experiment mounted this month by Norway’s Aftenposten newspaper has suggested.

The newspaper “lost” twenty wallets around the city at the start of this month repeating the famous honesty test of world cities set up by Readers’ Digest magazine in 1996.

But whereas in 1996, all ten of the wallets left in Oslo were returned untouched, this time five out of twenty were kept by their finders, while three of those returned had had some or all of the cash removed.

The wallets the newspaper left contained a DNB bank card, 300 kroner in cash, commuter cards, and the business card of an Aftenposten journalist.

The 1996 experiment ranked Oslo the world’s most honest city, well ahead of Stockholm, where only seven wallets came back.

More here.  H/T: Fjordman

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