Finland Race Baiting Racial Issues Racism Racism or not



When you just can’t make heads or tails out of anything coming from state journalism.

Trying to prove their narrative, YLE enlisted the help of three people in an undercover scheme to shine a light on racism in Finland. Because, we all know that any perceived slight by, or refusal of, an immigrant, has to be from overt racism. From the original article posted yesterday at YLE:

Colour matters in a nightclub queue
“Good lord, you’re not coming through that door into here,” snapped a nightclub doorman at the Somali test team member. At the same time, one of the white members was let in.
At another nightclub, the Somali and the team member of Russian extraction were refused entry on the grounds that the only identification they had on them were Finnish driving licences without any other ID. However, a driving licence was enough ID to get the Finnish team member into the club.
“Entry is not affected by gender or skin colour,” stated the club’s restaurant director Henri Vilonen in an email comment on the incident. According to him, the IDs were invalid.

Let me get this straight, the Somali undercover team member was deemed to have been using a fake I.D., so he’s rejected at both nightclubs, while we do not know if the same Russian undercover team member was allowed in to the other establishment using the same I.D. rejected by the prior bouncer to the club. What we have here is yet another example of narrative trumping factual reporting. You simply can’t make heads or tails out of anything that this report is…’reporting’, other than that they are trying to prove racism in Finland. Sheeeesh.

Here’s another example given here:

By contrast, when people heard our Somali researcher’s name or saw his black skin, a great many of them decided that they didn’t trust him at all. Some were happy to tell him so directly – “Sorry, I wouldn’t dare”, said one passer-by when asked if she would lend her phone. “Don’t even dream of it”, said another.

Are you kidding me? Talk about drawing conclusions from absolutely nothing. Who’s to say that this same woman, or few people asked, wouldn’t hand over their phone to complete strangers regardless of who they are? People react differently to people who are preceived to be either, not a part of the civil society where general trust rules are observed, those not members of society, or its unclear whether they have become active participants in society, from just a few seconds of sizing someone up, is not racism. This excerise is a pure sham with one intention, strengthening the imposed narrative from on high. We need ‘multiculturalism’ to ward off the evil racists.

Bull crap.

Yle discrimination exposé spawns police investigation

Finland’s Ombudsman for Minorities Eva Biaudet has filed a formal request for a police investigation into incidents of discrimination against immigrants revealed in an Yle documentary programme broadcast Thursday evening.

Kumman heistä ottaisit töihin?
Calling for job interviews in the Silminnäkijä documentary. Some employers were found to be practicing the kind of discrimination that the Ombudsman for Minorities says is banned by law. Image: Yle Silminnäkijä

Using a three-man test team of varying ethnic origins and a hidden camera, Yle’sSilminnäkijä (Eyewitness) television documentary programme captured evidence of discrimination in the job market, housing and the service sector.

The Ombudsman for Minorities, Eva Biaudet, says she considers the incidents filmed as cases of blatant discrimination and has requested a police investigation to determine if they constitute criminal acts.

“This is a serious matter and discrimination is a crime. Our view is that this looks to fulfil the criteria to the extent that a court should be asked to rule if there has been criminal discrimination as defined in law,” Biaudet told Yle.

Employers favour Finns, break the law

One of the three men who went undercover for the documentary, Wali Hashi, who is an ethnic Somali immigrant, says that he intends to file a criminal complaint stemming from incidents that arose during the filming of the documentary.

Suomen vähemmistövaltuutettu ja UNPFII:n jäsen Eva Biaudet.
Ombudsman for Minorities Eva Biaudet. Image: Yle / Aletta Lakkala

Minorities Ombudsman Eva Biaudet says that she was not surprised by the evidence of discrimination, but was the flagrant nature of the discrimination shown. For example, in a test of the job market, two of six employers directly said that they give preference to native ethnic Finns, even though this is forbidden by law.

Few cases reported to police

The Minorities Ombudsman added that she understands that few people facing discrimination file criminal complaints with the police, even when they would be justified in doing so.

“We have requested the police to investigate all of the incidents brought to light in the programme. These kinds of offenses are rather rarely handled by the courts, and it is clear that the people who are subjected [to discrimination] feel extremely offended. I want to encourage people to file reports, but it is asking quite a lot of anyone to completely stick their necks out,” Biaudet explains.

Eva Biaudet also stresses that discrimination can have far-reaching consequences if nothing is done about it.

“This is more broadly about how people from elsewhere are treated. Discrimination increases insecurity and threatens peace in society. If people are treated this unequally, without the judicial system doing anything, it can lead to alienation. For that reason we wanted to act in this case.”

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