Cyprus International Law Turkey



This is the face of real hypocrisy and deep seated treachery.

The next time a Eurocrat hack politician dares to chastise Israel in your presence, let him know what you think of the EU actually funding Turkey’s illegal settlements (in every definition under international law) of Northern Cyprus.

Israeli presence in the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria is entirely legal, mandated by the San Remo accords, as well as that being validated by UNSCR 242, a chapter 6 resolution, that underlines the legal aspect of Israeli control. The Turks are illegal occupiers and the EU funds their illegal settlements.

collapsing EU

The EU does not recognize the Turkish government in Northern Cyprus.
Nonetheless, the EU maintains an entire separate program to direct funds to Northern Cyprus.
They even put out a nice, colorful brochure last year.
The grants are pursuant to a 2006 regulation adopted by the EU to “end the isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community,” and allocated 259 million euros over five years, and now operates on an annual 28 million euro allocation (a sum that amounts to roughly 0.8 percent of Northern Cyprus[‘s GDP).


How the EU directly funds settlements in occupied territory


eugene kontorovichThe EU knowingly and purposefully provides substantial direct financial assistance to settlements in occupied territory – in Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus, that is.

A delegation of European Union officials arrived in Israel weeks ago to discuss the European Commission’s proposed regulations for discretionary funding to Israeli entities.

Under guidelines prepared earlier this summer, euros would not be allowed to go to Israeli entities located cross the Green Line – or to those that have any operations there. All Israeli entities applying for funding would have to submit a declaration that they do not have such operations.

Europe claims that such a move – unparalleled in its dealings with any other country – is mandated by international law. The EU does not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the territories, and thus has an obligation to keep its money from going there. Those who celebrated the move said that Israel is finally paying the international price for its occupation.

Yet it turns out that despite the guidelines, the EU still knowingly and purposefully provides substantial direct financial assistance to settlements in occupied territory – in Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus, that is. So the EU funds the occupation of an EU member state. Turkey’s invasion and occupation of Cyprus in 1974 was condemned the UN Security Council, and the EU’s official policy is that the Turkish occupation is illegitimate, and Turkey must completely withdraw. The EU does not recognize the Turkish government in Northern Cyprus.

More here.

Once again, Prof.Eugene Kontorovich discusses the legality of Israel being within its ancient homeland of Judea and Samaria, as well as defining exactly what is international law.

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