Anti-Israel bigotry and bias anti-Semitism anti-semitism in Norway Norway



Moral and mental midgets.


These are the same hypocrites who speak about international law, while Norway is committed under international law to bring Iran and Hamas leaders to an international court under the UN Genocide Convention. Its fixation on Israel causes the serious matters to be placed on the wayside, as well as while they fund terrorists with aid money themselves. I stated earlier about the ”settlements”:

These ”experts” would want you to believe that there are no qualified lawyers in Israel whose specialty is in international law, who are more than able to eloquently build a case for Israel’s right to be within Judea and Samaria. These clowns would love for you to remain ignorant of the San Remo Conference in which Jewish right to settle the land in question was introduced into legal binding legislation and codified into international law within the then League of Nations which the UN was duty bound to adopt as well.

norway will prevent imports from israeli settlements in judea and samaria 5.5.2013

Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Labour) says Norway is working with the EU to avoid the import of goods from Israeli settlements.

– We are looking at ways to implement this, said Eide to the when he sat greeting the LO congress in Oslo.

Congress shall treat the proposed boycott of Israel, but that was as far as the foreign minister would go. He says an official boycott would be too complex and involve a statutory authority with the possibility of punishment.

– We work closely with the Nordic countries and the EU on a common approach to this. We are not talking about an official boycott of goods from the settlements, but the clear labeling of products from the settlements or to discourage companies to import goods from the settlements. It can thus damage the reputation of the companies that choose to buy from the settlements, said Eide, who believes these measures can be implemented in a short time.

Foreign Minister believes it is getting harder and harder to achieve a two-state solution because Israel continues to build illegal settlements on Palestinian land.

Original in Norwegian.

5 Responses

  1. Meanwhile Norway is busy replacing their infidel population with a new people who hate them and in the future will do much more than boycott the dwindling white infidels of Norway. The irony is bittersweet. Norway wants to destroy Israel while they busily import their own destruction at the hands of the Muslims.

  2. Skulle gjerne sendt dere en fotomontasje om Norge i forhold til islam dere kan bruke.

  3. What are these products? I’d like to buy them. 🙂

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