Libya Muslim persecution of Christians



Where is Obama, where is the media?

H/T: Fjordman

The arrest of more than 100 Egyptian preachers of Christianity in Libya

A comment from the YT video, translated from Arabic, that shows a spirit of resistance:

Jesus is The Truth. That is the threat. You can kill the believers but you can not kill the truth, the freedom to choose, or the book. Followers of Jesus are growing in the Maghreb and that will not be stopped by Islam. Kill for the lie or die for the truth!

Mass Arrest and Torture of Christians in Libya

Last week’s news of four Christian missionaries in Libya placed under arrest, possibly facing the death penalty for “proselytizing,” is apparently the tip of the iceberg.  Yesterday, Arabic media reported that over 100 Christian Copts from Egypt, who have been living and working in Libya, were recently arrested in Ben Ghazi—also on the accusation, or pretext, of being “Christian missionaries.”

One video, apparently made by the Libyan militia interrogators—most of whom look like Islamic Salafis, with long beards and clipped mustaches—appeared on the Internet yesterday.  It shows a room full of detained Copts.  They sit hunched over on the floor—with all their hair shaven off, looking like dejected, or doomed, concentration camp prisoners.  According to one source, many of these Copts have been tortured.  Some have had the famous Coptic cross often tattooed on the wrists of Copts burned off with acid.

Next, the camera-man zooms in on the material which got them in this predicament: atop a table, several Bibles, prayer books, and pictures of Jesus, Mary and other saints appear spread out.  The Libyan interrogators complain about how these Christians could dare bring such material into Libya, and that they, their abductors, are sure that the Copts were going to use such Christian materials to proselytize Libya, to sporadic ejaculations of “Allah Akbar!” from across the room.

What is going on in Libya?  Do these reports—first of four foreign Christian missionaries, including one American, now of more than 100 Christians from neighboring Egypt—indicate that Christian missionaries recently decided to flood Libya in droves?  Or are these ongoing reports an indication that post-Gaddafi Libya is simply becoming increasingly intolerant of any Christian presence?

More here.

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