Europe Hezbollah Islamic terrorism



 This is a major stain on Europe, their refusal to place this organization into the ranks of organizations that promote and carry out terrorism is unacceptable. Placing them on the list would dry up the Heznazis’ bank accounts and place them on the ropes.

Europe’s a soft touch for the world’s most dangerous terrorist

The EU must respond to the deadly threat posed by Iran and Hizbollah

Now that Osama bin Laden is at the bottom of the ocean, a new man has emerged as the world’s most dangerous terrorist: Qassem Suleimani. Although unfamiliar to most in the West, he is responsible for killing many thousands in cold blood – and masterminding the murder of more Americans than any other person on earth.

Suleimani heads the Quds Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard – the nerve centre of its global terrorist network. Working with Hizbollah in Lebanon, he has plotted, attempted and executed mass murder in dozens of countries.

The centrifuges spinning in Iran are dangerously close to providing these ruthless global terrorists with a nuclear arsenal and protective umbrella. Yet instead of pulling out all the stops to prevent this, Europe is opening its own backyard as a playground. In particular, the European Union continues to define Hizbollah as a charitable and political group, not a terrorist organisation. This is no less ridiculous than describing the Mafia as a chamber of commerce or the Ku Klux Klan as a gentleman’s social club.

More here.

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