Bill Maher Race Baiting Racial Issues Racism Racism or not



But first, a tweet by Trayvon Martin in 2011, courtesy of the Daily Caller:


“Plzz shoot da #mf dat lied 2 u!”

I have no problem that he’s an atheist, even an advocate for spreading what he believes to be true, it’s his right (ironically) under natural law, exercising his rights as an individual with a free will. It’s his extremist leftist views however, that push him over the edge of normal reasoned debate, that (ironically) he claims himself to be a champion of.

Watch Maher and the guy he sits with, wallow in self hate in a discussion that’s so off the bull sh*t charts that I sit here in utter amazement. They really have swallowed CRT bunk hook, line and sinker, in spite of the fact of the overwhelming amount of murders that happen inside the US, are between members of the same race (white on white 83%, black on black 90%). It is indeed a fact that the Left are infatuated with race, sex and class warfare, the three legs of the Marxist ‘Franfurt School’s “Critical Theory“.

Dr.Drew: Is it about racism?
Bill Maher: I can’t believe that we’re even asking that question.

TT: Well Bill, I can believe that you and Drew are asking that question, because you both need to, like a dog drawn to its testicles, because it’s there.


One Response

  1. The Trayvon graphic illustrates he may also have a fairly large wound (nearly healed) on his left shoulder above his tattoo.

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