Obama Obama-Gate



The man (Obama) is both a fraud and a huckster, but this is how things are going to go down in light of the press conference. The White House/Democratic party, the US federal government and the media (the iron triangle) will treat the sheriff as a persona non grata, and ignore the press conference as if it never happened. The media will either go after the sheriff and his forensic team, ripping them apart, and having their hides shown for viewing, or ignore them altogether.

House Republicans will not wish to become embroiled in the matter they consider moot, and refrain from mentioning it, let alone distancing themselves from it. I hope however that this emboldens other law enforcement officials to enquire, get curious and investigate the matter themselves. Only if enough law enforcement come on board will this ever become a real issue.

H/T: Sam I am

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, announced Thursday that his six-month investigation found that “probable cause exists indicating that forgery and fraud may have been committed” in the release of President Obama’s long-form birth certificate.

7 Responses

  1. Back in late January a court case proceeded in the state of Georgia, challenging Obama’s eligiblity based on fraudulent documentation. Judge Malihi

    “basically discredited the eight witnesses and said he found their testimony, as well as the exhibits tendered, “to be of little, if any, probative value, and thus wholly insufficient to support plaintiffs’ allegations.”

    In a footnote Malihi wrote, “The credibility of witnesses is within the sole discretion of the trier of fact. In non-jury cases that discretion lies with the judge.”

    He stated, “None of the testifying witnesses provided persuasive testimony,” and said none of the written submissions submitted had any probative value.

    In conclusion, Malihi stated, “Given the unsatisfactory evidence presented by the plaintiffs, the court concludes that plaintiffs’ claims are not persuasive.”

    Now that Arpaio’s case is built on credentialed witness testimony, one wonders if the Georgia case can be reissued.

    above quote from this link

  2. The press conference is on WND. They sound like the investigation is continuing. They showed a detailed explanation of how the BC and Selective Service card can only be forgeries. They said they had a witness. They said they are not accusing Obama, but that they know to 20 min. before the BC was put on the White House website what computer it came from. They said the microfish of INS entries for the week of Obama’s birth are missing. They said the newspaper notification in Honolulu was eliminated as not credible–reasons given.

    I hope Sheriff Arpaio does not succomb to natural causes.

  3. They also said the documents given by Obama could not get him a job in AZ.

  4. Other research done on this issue:






    The DOH of Hawaii stated in a letter that she had seen the original birth certificate being copied onto security paper and that was the document that she gave to Obama’s lawyer. That physical copy was passed around in the White House press room and everyone there got a chance to hold it, and feel the seal. One reporter even photographed it.

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