Islamic Mentality Islamic misogyny Wife-Beating


The Tundra Tabloids has been reporting on it for years, it finally comes out in the pages of the Finnish state broadcaster, YLE, about time. Too bad Islam isn’t mentioned at all, that’s the culprit, big time. KGS

Silence hinders victims of honour crimes

As many as 1,000 immigrant women have been the victims of violent honour crimes in Finland. Although the issue has been discussed in recent years, co-operation between officials and communities is limited.

“My father restricted my life and decided things on my behalf. Dating was one of the things he could not tolerate. Even being with friends earned a stern “no”. And if we were in the company of men, I wasn’t allowed to speak to them. It was so sick but it killed me inside so much I thought I was living an alien life.”

This harrowing account given to YLE by a young woman is quite usual among victims of violent honour crimes.

Spiritual or physical violence together with tight family control cannot be explained by religion. It is a culture based on honour and virtue. An entire family honour is lost if the women is not virtuous.

Between two cultures

Collisions in immigrant families can occur when the young live between two cultures. At home, strict parental authority rules with adherence to old principals while at school and with friends, life goes on in accordance with the cultural rules of the new country.

Children and the young integrate into the new society faster than their parents. At first, parents fear the culture of the new country can destroy children, especially girls. Violence in the name of honour is always, however, an extreme measure of control.

“Father never explained why he did what he did. But in my view, he was afraid of society and what others might think. He had authority which he did not wish to relinquish. He wanted people to respect him,” the young woman says.
No victim figures available

Estimates put the number of immigrant victims of violence in Finland at around 18,000. Of these, as many as 1,000 have been on the receiving end of violence linked to honour. More precise figures are unavailable as officials do not easily rank honour crimes separately.

More here.

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