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Like we need polls and reports any longer to help us come to the conclusion that Islam is a detriment to society. KGS

32% of British Muslim students support killing for Islam; 40% want Sharia Law

The Examiner: If the way young Muslims in Britain are feeling is any indication for America’s own Muslim community, then America better beware. According to a new survey done at 30 universities in Britain, the young Muslim student body in that country is extremely radicalized. The poll asked 600 Muslim students and 800 of their non-Muslim peers about politically touchy subjects like killing in the name of Islam and Sharia Law—and the results were like night and day between the two demographics. While hardly anyone in the non-Muslim sample accepted killing in the name of religion, basically one-third of all Muslim students in Britain supported this.

This frightening confirmation of the deadly and violent extremism in the young Muslims of Britain is also an indication of the utter failure of British society to both integrate as well as to better police their Muslim communities. The word “Londonistan” is often disparagingly used to symbolize the permissible Islamic extremism that goes down in Britain—with the once-proud but now impotent Brits basically turning a blind eye. In fact, because of this widespread radicalization problem in British universities among Muslims, said universities are actually becoming a training ground for terrorists like the Christmas bomber from last year.

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One Response

  1. So ends the lie that only a fringe of Muslims advocate violence against infidels.

    Anyone in the West who does not have their head in the sand knows the remedy.

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