Islam 101


Meanwhile in Austria, a court of simpletons try Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff for saying and warning about the exact same thing. KGS

Former Iraqi MP Ayad Jamal Al-Din in a TV Debate about Separation of Religion and State: The Combination of the Koran and the Sword Is More Dangerous than Nuclear Technology

Following are excerpts from an Al-Arabiya TV debate on religion and state in the Arab world, which aired on November 4 and 18, 2010.

Saudi author Dr. Turki Al-Hamad: If we want to join the modern world and adapt ourselves to this era, I believe that we must sever the religious establishment from the state. The religious establishment should become part of the state, but should not have hegemony over it. Otherwise, the sovereignty of the state is lost.

Hence, the modern goals can only be achieved through the modern state with modern values – and this does not occur in a religious state.


Sheik Khalil Al-Mays, Mufti of the Beqa’a Valley in Lebanon: Who were the Arabs before the advent of Islam, and who are the Arabs following the advent of Islam? The answer is known to all.

Mediator: You mean to say that it was Islam that gave the Arabs their identity.

Sheik Khalil Al-Mays: Of course. They opened up to the world through Islam.

Mediator: And if not for Islam…

Sheik Khalil Al-Mays: They would not have left the Arabian Peninsula.

Mediator: Let us be clearer. You see no justification for the separation of religion and state.

Sheik Khalil Al-Mays: How can that be?

Mediator: You do not believe in such a separation?

Sheik Khalil Al-Mays: The Prophet Muhammad established a religious state, did he not?


Dr. Abd Al-Mun’im Abu Al-Futuh, Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt: There can be no separation of religion and state. This holds true for the entire history of the human race – whether it is the religion of Islam, of Christianity, or of Judaism.

More here at MEMRI

H/T: Dennis Mitzner

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