Gates of Vienna OIC


The Baron over at the Gates of Vienna brings up a salient point, that being, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is not as big as it promotes itself. The Tundra Tabloids has always been aware of the fallacious number of “57 states”, and how they included the non-state called “Palestine”, which when excluded, brings the number down to 56.

What’s striking is that the OIC is not comprised of fully Muslim states, with many of its member states having a marginal, if not tiny Muslim demographic number. For the most part, outside of the Muslim M-E and IndoChina, it’s all blue smoke and mirrors, with some of these countries countries hosting less than 16% or even 1%. Why is it you say? The Baron explains correctly that the OIC needs the number of these non-Muslim vassal states in their ranks in order to present a formidable voting block within the halls of the UN.

Come on, you have heard from time to time from pro-Palestinian supporters about how Israel, and Israel alone is the chief violator of an umpteenth numbér of UN resolutions etc., now you know why. The UN General Assembly is comprised of major voting blocks, like the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) as well as the OIC, which force these resolutions against the Jewish state with an all to familiar regularity. 
It’s great fodder for the anti-Israel types who just need to point to these UNGA resolutions, (remember the one which was later stricken which stated Zionism = racism) to “prove how evil Israel is”, when in fact, these non-enforceable resolutions are a joke, a tool, in order to further delegitimize the Jewish state. The OIC is a menace, which needs to be stiff armed when ever it comes a calling, but sadly, like here in Finland, where the Tundra Tabloids went face to face with the Secretary General a few years ago, he’s received with open arms. KGS

The Incredible Shrinking OIC

OIC map

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has fifty-seven member states.
Everyone knows that. That’s what the OIC keeps telling us over and over again. Whenever you hear the OIC mentioned, the number fifty-seven is always closely associated with it. Heinz has its 57 flavors, and the OIC has its 57 countries.
Or does it?
Let’s take a look at the membership roll. I picked up the list of countries and their dates of entry from the OIC’s website, and joined it with a database of population figures from 2004 to construct the table below. It’s not up-to-the minute, but it will serve as a rough guideline to the makeup of the OIC:
Read it all here.

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