

Here is an issue that the Tundra Tabloids has reported on year in and year out, and of course, the media has for the most part resisted on picking it up, that being the issue of Jewish refugees. The Israelis have a strong case in the Cyprus situation, where the EU and UN have conceded to the fact that there was indeed an exchange of populations in Cyprus (as well as between Turks and Greeks decades ago) when Turkey invaded and stole the northern half of the cypriot state.
All the Israelis need to do is to keep pointing to Cyprus and hold stand fast. There is only 200 000 or so actual refugees left, and millions of their decedents, the use of these other Arabs as political pawns has to end, recognizing the fact that Jews were refugees as well can help end the plight of these other Arabs and allow them to become full citizens in the countries were they now live. KGS 

For more on Jewish refugees, click here.

Danny Ayalon: When we discuss refugee issues, we
automatically assume we’re discussing Jewish refugees as well

I am a refugee
09/01/2010 22:28

As a descendant of a family forced out of Algeria, my father and I – and the millions of other Jews from families who were expelled from Arab countries after 1948 – are entitled to redress.
As a sitting member of a democratic government, it might appear strange to declare that I am a refugee. However, my father, his parents and family were just a few of the almost one million Jews who were expelled or forced out of Arab lands. My father and his family were Algerian, from a Jewish community thousands of years old that predated the Arab conquest of North Africa and even Islam. Upon receiving independence, Algeria allowed only Muslims to become citizens and drove the indigenous Jewish community and the rest of my family out.
While many people constantly refer to the Arab or Palestinian refugees, few are even aware of the Jewish refugees from Arab lands.
While those Arabs who fled or left Mandatory Palestine and Israel numbered roughly 750,000, there were roughly 900,000 Jewish refugees from Arab lands. Before the State of Israel was reestablished in 1948, there were almost one million Jews in Arab lands, today there are around 5,000.
An important distinction between the two groups is the fact that many Palestinian Arabs were actively involved in the conflict initiated by the surrounding Arab nations, while Jews from Arab lands were living peacefully, even in a subservient dhimmi status, in their countries of origin for many centuries if not millennia.

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