
“God has commanded us to kill those who leave Islam” Video of threats to apostates in Egypt

by Editor, July 3, 2010

Many thanks to Vladtepesblogspot.com. JLH Translators and Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna , which has a full English transcript, for arranging for the translation and sub-totling of this important German video on the plight of Egyptian apostates who have left Islam who face the prospects of physical threats of death daily.

Watch this stunning German video about the plight of two prominent Egyptian apostates, who converted to Christianity, the Gohary and Hegazy families.

Maher El Gohary and his daughter, Dina, who converted to Christianity, have been denied by the Egyptian government permission to change their identity cards identifiying them as Christians. The Goharys live clandestinely in Cairo. They daily face the threat of possible extra judicial punishment, including death. Dina, the Gohary daughter wrote President Obama following his Cairo speech at al Azhar University in June 2009 drawing attention to their plight. In her letter to President Obama, Dina Gohary noted:

“Mr. President Obama, we are a minority in Egypt. We are treated very badly. You said that the Muslim minority in America are treated very well, so why are we not treated here likewise? We are imprisoned in our own home because Muslim clerics called for the murder of my father, and now the Government has set for us a new prison, we are imprisoned in our own country.” The Egyptian girl asked President Obama to mediate with the Egyptian government on their behalf.

Maher El Gohary had filed a legal acton in Egyptian courts. His petition was rejected: Gohary said:

“If the Egyptian nationality is the cause of my imprisonment within my home and being unable to move, then I do not want it,” he said. El-Gohary said he’d rather hold any other nationality than stay in Egypt where he said he and his daughter are “suffering imprisonment within the walls of my apartment and without any freedom.”

The quandary of the apostate Hegazy family is compounded by the refusal of Egyptian government to permit registration of their children as Christians. Note this application made on behalf of the Hegazys to the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights by the European Centre for Law and Justice, an affiliate of the American Center for Law and Justice:
“[Mohammed Bishoy] Hegazy and his family members are Christians converted from Islam. Furthermore, Mariam, their two year old daughter,was born of two Christian parents, and her birth certificate must state the correct information related to her faith.”
Their lives and home has been threatened .

Jussuf al Badri, the Egyptian Islamic jurist states that under Sharia, “God has commanded us to kill those who leave islam”. Such is the fragile and tragic plight of apostates in Muslim countries who daily face the threat of vigilantism and death. And Islam promotes the fiction that it is the religion of peace? Not the case as exemplified by the Gohary and Hegazy cases and millions of other silent apostates whose very existence is daily threatened with death under Sharia fatwas in Muslim lands.

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  2. What a pathetic group.

    Everyone is welcome to join Islam, the religion of peace and harmony, but if you try to leave we will kill you.

    This is a fascist group that is attempting to use religion as a means of enslaving the world.


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