

Finnish convert Abdulla Tammi hates music as well

What’s with the Musulman and music? You can then tell if a Muslim state is still along the path to its full Islamization, if they allow a public display of Music. KGS

Pakistan: Mob of “pro-Taliban radicals” beats student to death for playing music

Emulating Muhammad’s profound hostility toward music. “Student beaten to death for playing music,” from Big News Network, March 20:
A student has died after being beaten to death by pro-Taliban radicals at a Pakistani university.
The beating, which occurred earlier in the week, culminated in the death of Anan Khan, who attended the University of Engineering & Technology in Peshawar.
He was severely beaten with several other students at the university by members of a student wing of the hard-line Jamiat-e Islami party.
Witnesses have said the IJT attacked Adnan for playing music.
Members of the IJT have a record of breaking up music appreciation functions and dance parties on the campus.

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