
Ilya Meyer: Jack in the Box Jimmy…….

Springing up where
no one wants him

Please whack the mole
By Ilya Meyer    
“As [US] President Barack Obama has made clear, the key factor that prevents peace is the continuing building of Israeli settlements in Palestine.”

JIMMY CARTER (former president of the United States)

“Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself, ‘Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.’”

LILLIAN CARTER (mother of Jimmy Carter)


When does self-delusion cease to be a personal embarrassment and start becoming an existential threat?


When an unhealthy obsession with the world’s sole Jewish state overrides everything else.

That perpetual jack-in-the-box of American politics, Jimmy Carter, just keeps popping up everywhere, with startling irregularity but predictable effect.

You’ve got to feel sorry for Hussein Obama.

Not only is he America’s first president from an ethnic minority.

Not only has he so far succeeded in getting absolutely everything wrong on the international political horizon.

Not only has he trashed America’s reputation and image internationally.

Not only has he succeeded in the amazing feat of losing the support and respect of both Arabs and Israelis at one and the same time.

He is also being constantly shadowed – some would say overshadowed – by has-beens from the Democratic Party who have also made their mark on US history and Middle East events. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton just won’t disappear off the US political stage.

The UN Climate Summit has Bill Clinton basking in the media floodlights, while the situation in the Middle East sees Jimmy Carter making one increasingly bizarre statement after the other.

Jimmy Carter is of the considered opinion that “the key factor that prevents peace is the continuing building of Israeli settlements in Palestine”. Really? The key obstacle wouldn’t be the Arabs’ refusal to cease their constant barrage of anti-Semitic propaganda via the state media, in school textbooks, in mosques?

Read it all Here.

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