Atlas Shrugs Honor Violence Muslim Convert to Christianity

US: Honor Killing Alert: Young Convert From Islam Says Father Will Kill Her if Found…….

Rifqa Bary: I am a Christian
My parents are Muslims, they will kill me

Girl Says Family Wants To Kill Her For Being Christian
ORLANDO, Fla. — An Ohio girl ran away to Orlando because she said her family threatened to kill her for converting to Christianity. Rifqa Bary, 17, said she was threatened by her family because she converted from Islam to Christianity.
“What did your father say to you?” WFTV reporter Mary Nguyen asked.
“He said he would kill me!” replied Bary. They have to kill me. My blood is now halal which means because I am now a Christian, I am from a Muslim background, it is an honor, if they love god more than me, they have to do this.”This is not just some threat. This is reality. This is truth. This is reality.

Atlas: This is to break the heart. The status hearing is set for next Friday. Something must be done. You can hear the cries of Amina and Sarah, Aqsa, Rand …………. all of those girls, you can hear them in her voice.

Atlas has been following this since day one, read more from her site here. KGS

One Response

  1. LIBS will remind us of Elian Gonzalez.

    Deja vu?

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