German Immigrant Street Gangs Calling the Shots While the West “Dances to the Narrative”…….
Tundra Tabloids’ Friend and Colleague ESW: “This is our future.” Vlad Tepes: “Amazing clip of immigrant Muslim gangs in Germany. They have learned the leftist…
Iran Shows Engagement With the West With Its Appointment of a Wanted Criminal for Defence Minister…….
Barry Rubin: “Note that since the Obama administration began talking about engagement with Iran, the regime has become more and more extremist.” Obama: Moody, what…
Sanity Found in Norwegian Politics as Progress Party Refuses to Aid Palestinian Hate Propaganda…….
Turning off the money spicket to Fakestinian anti-Semitism “Sylvi Listhaug in Progress believes that it is reprehensible that the Norwegian Krone tax money will be…